HH: The Broadsheet Returns (Special Edition)

Day 595, 14:31 Published in Indonesia Singapore by lightofsirius
Heartlanders Herald - The Singapore-centric Broadsheet
Here's a special edition of the old broadsheet format of the Heartlanders Herald when it used to be daily. (Not guaranteed that I have time to restart my old style though) Singapore has come a long way now, with five presidential terms to date. We have gone through obstacles through obstacles, and still, we emerge, alive. Through these entire period of time, five months, some people have been sticking with us throughout. These people include Arbryn, ExoM7, Ice_Freeze, Woshiempire, Anthos, Alucard450, and several others...

I say we still have a long way to go, and can definitely do much better, so I give you my special edition of Heartlanders Herald!

..::Current Affairs::..

ExoM7 is new president
ExoM7 wins the July presidential elections with 80 votes, and all 5 parties endorsing him. The endorsements were brought about by an astounding turn of events, now relegated into the past.

Impeachment prevented
An Impeachment Proposal made by navy II was rejected by congress, 5 against 5. A supermajority of 66% is needed to impeach the president. The debate area links to nowhere, providing no reason for the impeachment.

Treasury theft prevented
A donation of 2500SGD was proposed by ChrisDF0, and quickly rejected 6 against 5. The real Singapore organisation is spelt with a "z", American English, while the donation proposed was to an org with an "s", British English.

Treasury gold converted to SGD
Nearly all the gold in the treasury has been converted into SGD by previous president John Jay for unknown reasons. The problem appears to be solved at print.

Malaysian wargames started
Adding to the USA wargames we are having, Singapore has signed a memorandum with the Pacific Training Organisation in which we will be having new war-games using the new MPP proposed with Malaysia. This benefit will come in the form of more chances for Singaporeans to train their fighting skills, and move up the ranks.

..::Regional Affairs::..

Nagyzee wins Malaysian elections
Member of the Democratic Action Party, Nagyzee, have won the presidency of Malaysia. Twice president, Nagzyee was endorsed by 3 of the 4 parties in Malaysia.

NicoSianipar wins Indonesian elections
With 1700 votes and 59.52%, NicoSianipar certainly won the mandate from the Indonesian citizens. The runnerup, gabi3, lag behind with 548 votes and 19.19%. NicoSianipar is a member of the Indonesian Defensive Socialist party, and was endorsed by 11 parties.

HazzN wins Filipino elections
HazzN wins in a landslide victory of 78.38% of the votes, with a 58 vote count. He is supported by 2 parties, his party being Philippines For Filipinos. His only opponent is EZEX Lacroa, member of National Filipinista Party.

Filipino university opens
Mr. Dimagiba 2.0 opens the University of the Philippines as the dean. Faculty staff are to write guides and tutorials for Filipinos, the campus being in the national forums, viewable by guests. Staff of the university includes Gabriela Fajardo, Juan de Minda, nikko_33, and rosmant-0. Also the National Musuem of the Philippines will be in the campus grounds, serving as an educational device to young citizens, and remind older citizens not to make the same mistakes of the past.

Albert Neurath wins Thai elections
He won with 36 vote count, 67.24% of the votes. A member of the Pattana Unity Party, he is endorsed by 3 other parties. His other opponents are ViusSolaris and Totikati. His election promises includes wargames with Malaysia and other countries priced cheaper than PEACE wargames, as well as a Q5 hospital.

..::International Affairs::..

USA announces new alliance
Canada, Ireland, Spain, UK, and USA have come together to create a new alliance, Fortis. ProggyPop supports multi-lateral organisations, and said of the difficulty in multiple bi-lateral ties.

UK drops out of Fortis
Soon after the announcement of the incorporation of the new alliance, UK Prime Minister Hassan Perasan announces the withdrawal of the UK from Fortis. It had issues with the concept of weighteed voting where UK will have less weight in Fortis votes, and after the dropping of the concept, the UK congress didn't pass the bill to join Fortis.

Americans skeptical of Fortis
With the fiasco of UK's insistence of withdrawal, and USA's apparent inclusion of UK, Americans voice their skeptism on this newly formed alliance.

Estonia has new emblem for military elite
A short article presented to Estonians the new emblem for their military elite. The new emblem was chosen from a contest held previously.

Sweden to protect India from Iran
Following Iran's threats to attacked India, the Swedish congress has proposed an MPP with India to protect its long time ally. A Swedish MPP might have weight in deterring a possible Iranian assault on India.

Israel to ally with Romania
An MPP to Romania has been proposed by Israel. With 19 hours to go, the proposal stood at 26 in agreement.

Germany builds Q4 defences for Brandenburg
For the price of 1 DEM, Germany builds Q4 defences for Brandenburg with a 34-yes proposal.

Canadians attempts to retrieve treasury
With the Ministry of Finance's org not with the government, Canadians are desperate to retrieve their national funds back.

Note that these unedited letters are by citizens, and does not neccessarily represent the views of the press director.
Letters can be sent to the editor with the subject heading as [Letter].

There are no letters this issue.


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