Hey Ireland...........How do you like 'em apples?

Day 1,388, 14:10 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Citizen 4945322

Let's all laugh at Ireland. Whilst we dine on fresh fruit from acroos the sea. Mmmmmmm...pears. Anyway, enough of the gloating. *Takes small bite out of apple, pausing for effect* Yes, Ireland are not so good when the Croats and Bulgarians are busy fighting. I wonder why that is. Eastern Europeans fight all your battles for you, do they? Once again, it is looking more and more likely that Ireland will be wiped by the end of the week. Congratulations Kevy on your first victory as prime-minister.

Oh, I don't know if I can finish these. Might just have to bin them.

In other news, here is a great idea for a new territory. Adjacent to Scotland is the cool country Norway, who recieve freezing temperatures for half the year and are nowhere near as cool as the mighty eUk, if thats the impression you were getting. With only TWO, not ONE, not THREEDEN, But TWO alliances it might be the perfect time to strike, before Sweden beat us to it. And those two alliances are with the strange countries Greece and Finland, who are basically useless, especially Finland who spend half the time wiped.

Man eating Irish apple!

Also, USA's brief folly into Europe seems to be coming to an end, with Spain reguarly attacking the few areas USA control. It is a far cry from a month ago when ONE were briefly irritated by the Americans and began on a quest to take over, before China got their interest. ONE has serious ADD's.

So to recap, I'm eating Irish apples.

Ahhh! Irish-man-eating apple!