Hey Australia, I Heard You Like Cereal

Day 1,028, 21:27 Published in Australia USA by The Libertine

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So I'm publishing my guide to help you LOVE cereal.

This is a republish of an old article, the single highest voted eRep cereal article of all time, just for you, my friends down under. I hope you enjoy!

I am a huge fan of cereal. Cereal for breakfast, cereal for lunch, cereal for dinner, cereal during sex. Cereal is great with anything at any time.

(Sexy picture of girl eating cereal at the end of the article)

In this article I will discuss the virtues of cereal. I'll touch on topics like:
- milk or cereal first? (take a wild guess)
- bowl or cup?
- keeping it from getting soggy.
- how much is too much?
- How use cereal to spice up your life 😃

How to make cereal

Step 1: Get a bowl and your favorite spoon. Choose the size of the bowl based upon the speed at which you plan on eating. If you can sit down and chomp the bowl down right away, lean towards a bigger bowl. If you are planning on savoring your cereal experience by slowly and sensually tasting each bite, opt for a smaller size. The reasons for this will be discussed later on.

Step 2: Find your cereal(s) of choice. Pour into your bowl.

Step 3: WAIT!!! Before moving forward to the next step, make sure you are all ready to sit down and eat! Do not make the mistake of pouring the milk too soon. This will ruin your cereal eating experience and, more importantly, will ruin your day.

Step 4: Pour the milk into the bowl. A good rule of thumb is the pour just slightly more than half-way up the cereal level in the bowl. Too much milk and you'll have soggier cereal and too much milk left at the end. Too little milk and your cereal won't get proper milk coverage. My preferred amount is when the level of milk remaining at the end of the bowl is just enough to be able to drink it in a few sips or to make a new mini bowl of cereal (I usually go with the latter. I just can't get enough!).

Step 5: Enjoy the happiness that will surround you and your friends and your family and your life all day long because of the joy that comes with eating the perfect bowl of cereal.

Cereal Science

Here are some tips and tricks to help you make that perfect bowl

Bowl or cup?
When it comes to cereal, I am a purist. I have to use a bowl. But there is a growing movement of cup users. Using a cup provides a few significant benefits and drawbacks. First, the high-wall shape of a cup helps keep cereal up top dry and crunchy for much longer. On the other hand, by the time you reach the bottom, there will likely be some cerious (get it??) sogginess waiting for you. Cups also provide great mobility for the cereal eater on the move. On the other hand, you are walking around eating cereal out of a cup so you probably look like an idiot.
Verdict: Sit down and enjoy your damn cereal properly or don't eat any at all!

How much is too much?
There is no such thing as too much cereal. What a silly question.

For advanced cereal eaters only: The Double Crunch
This is perhaps the greatest technological advancement in cereal consumption technology in the 21st century. The Double Crunch is not for the cereal noob. It brings us one step closer to that perfect bowl. So what is it?
Well it's pretty simple actually. Pour two layers of cereal. The layer on the bottom must be a harder and slower to sog cereal. Try "whole grain" type things like Kashi GoLean Crunch, Whole Grain Chex, cheerios (if your top layer is something flakey that sogs faster), or Cracklin Oat Bran. On top, use just about anything else. This is an amazing way to avoid soggy cereal. I mean, unless you are into that kind of thing.


Basic rules for choosing your cereal:

1) If it turns your milk another color, DO NOT EAT IT. This is not cereal. This is crunchy candy trying to pass itself off as cereal.

2) The really healthy stuff (pictured above) is expensive and not really way more healthy than other stuff out there. It tastes good, but don't think that the "organic"ness justifies the high price tag. Be smart with your cereal purchasing.

3) The best cereals are the ones loaded with either lots of vitamins, lots of fiber, or both. They usually aren't that expensive, and in fact they may be less expensive than Rule #1 cereals because they are packed with much less sugar. My cereal of choice right now is Multi-grain Cheerios. They are lightly sweetened and full of nutrients. Anything made by Total is good. My all time favorite is Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds.

4) Find what you like! But really do follow rule number 1. If you want a bunch of sugar, empty-carbs, and milk just go eat some cake or dunk some oreos in milk instead. Leave the cereal eating to the professionals.

5) Your milk choice is up to you. I grew up with skim milk, but now I've settled on 1%. Some people have used whole milk their whole life. That's cool too. Just make sure it isn't spoiled and you're good to go!

Cereal is Sexy

Remember, cereal is sexy. Have fun with it. Be playful. Enjoy yourself!

Like this guy:

And this girl:

If you enjoyed this article, please help vote it up and sub, and leave a comment with your personal favorite cereal and any tips and tricks!
