Heroes of the Resistance

Day 970, 01:20 Published in South Korea United Kingdom by Grampa Alfagrem
eSK munitions industry thrives

It has been almost 3 months since the Imperial Jackal nation of eJapan launched her depraved assault upon our fair lands. The story was one of betrayal, corruption, greed and the near extinguishing of our right to exsist in the eWorld.

Finnaly though (as in all good stories) the hope that many kept alive through those dark times was powerful enough to repel the forces of tyranny and oppression. The nation, its people and allies were able to destroy the monuments and obelisks built by its would be masters and in only 5 short days the imperialists were forced off the peninsula and back into their own realms.

eSK never suspected that the hand holding the dagger would be its oldest friend in the world and caught bewildered and unprepared, our callow trust almost saw our end.

Now though - We are ready!

The weapons to guarantee our freedom continue to roll off the production lines in eSK and with the bounty provided by the hard work of our populace - We honour some of those foreign citizens that enabled the story of our verbose and dynamic democracy to continue onwards with one of the finest weapon systems produced in eSK..

Nuno Vieira

The following eSK citizen also receives a token of appreciation, a modest house and a 5G reward as the finest representative of all those South Koreans who remained fighting behind the lines to eventual salvation.

