Here here, free gold!

Day 1,781, 18:15 Published in Canada Canada by frankypicoto

Hello old friends!
Dust wiped and keyboard ready I'm here to leave my (mere) fortune of 23Gold and 2400CAD to anyone who might put it to good use. But here's the catch, much like in real life, I have no idea what's happening here so if you want my huge fortune you'll have to earn it through the art of writing by telling me why you want it and what you'll do with it.

The fun (money) part: The person who gives me the best reason for getting my money wins it all. Like the lottery but with words!

Maybe no one will even want my money, well, in that case I will just give it to one of the friends who isn't dead.

So, there's that.

Have a nice day, and may the one I choose to!