Help your country, make your fights count

Day 975, 11:21 Published in USA USA by ligtreb

The new war module was released a couple of days ago, filled with new features, strategies and bugs. The only thing we know for sure is that big battles will now require much more communication than before. People will need to communicate about which tiles to move to, who to attack, and what weapons to use.

It is more important than ever that you join the U.S. military or a private militia.

While our military was large in V1, it was possible to be a good citizen without joining them or a militia. Any citizen could easily figure out which battle to fight in, buy weapons and hit the wall without needing to be part of a team. That is no longer effective to do.

If you don't join the U.S. military or a private militia, you are doing yourself, your country and our allies a major disservice.

Over the past several days, I've sent messages to the leaders of each military branch and each private militia about their squads and how to join them. Here are their responses combined with my thoughts. If you're a leader of one of these squads and want more information included, I will update this article.


The military is an official part of the US government, one of the most powerful fighting forces in the world and is the major part of our budget. Each branch is unique in its own way and has its own requirements. I'd like to thank bombonato and the rest of the Joint Chiefs of Staff for updating me on their requirements.

Training Corps

Training Corps Newspaper
Requirement to join: Be four days old.
Level require😛 Hot Shot

Most people who join in the military will start in the Training Corps. The other military branches often look for TC members when looking for new recruits. Here's what Bia Pandora, Commanding Officer of the USTC had to say:

I remember being a newborn wandering around eRep, not really sure where I was going and how I was going to get there. I was fortunate to be contacted by an older player and directed to the forums. After that I was told about the Training Corps and rushed to become involved and apply.

Since that day I've never felt alone again. The eUS Military provides an incredible experience of brotherhood. There is always a friend to talk to, ask questions of and laugh with. Plus, we get to kick enemies in the nuts together during planned attacks, that is really the most exciting aspect of this game in my opinion.

Take the first step in joining the military family...join the TC 🙂 We love newbies.

Bia is right. I can't stress enough how important it is for any new player to join the Training Corps. They will get you off to a good start here.

From the eUS forums: Training Corps is a branch of the eUS Armed Forces dedicated to building the defense system of eAmerica. We take raw, fresh recruits and turn them into the Marines of tomorrow. This is the place where the new recruits make friends in game and also learn about the military of the eUnited States. During your stay in the Training Corps, you will go through boot camp, learning the in's and out's of the game, as well as a stint in the Reserves, where you will get the chance to apply the lessons you learned in boot camp in a practical application.

National Guard

Application form: CLICK HERE
Requirements: No minimum rank.
Level: Sharpshooter

From National Guardsmen SweetBags: "Skittles are awesome, join the NG."

From eUS forums: The NG is a mobile branch with a small reserve force for politically active soldiers (i.e. people who are currently Congressmen, PP, CP, etc.).

Mobile Infantry

Application Form: CLICK HERE
Rank require😛 Lieutenant
Level require😛 Expert

Some quotes from Mobile Infantry members:

Mobile Infantry: we are mobile, we are infantry, we kill things. What more could you ask for?? -- RivasA

The United States Mobile Infantry prides itself on quick mobilization, organization and amazing camaraderie that is built through IRC and forum interaction. After a collective 2 years in the Irish Military, US Army, a 30 day officer exchange program with Canadia and most recently 8 months in the USMI, I have come to really notice how well organized and structured the USMI is. I wouldn't have chosen to pursue my military career any other way. ON THE BOUNCE! -- Lieutenant Vytatus

The eUnited States Mobile Infantry is awesomely crazy. -- Infantryman kfitzy

From the eUS forums: Mobile Infantry is a branch of the US Armed Forces dedicated to the defense of eAmerican interests at home and abroad. They deploy regularly, so they only accept soldiers who are able and willing to break business and party ties for days at a time. They look for active, dedicated soldiers who are willing to fight for their country and follow orders quickly and without question. Ability to register for and check our military forums regularly is a must.


Application: CLICK HERE
Rank require😛 Colonel
Level require😛 Ranger

Thoughts from Army members:

The United States Army is a main fighting force of the United States Military. We provide Q3 helicopters, tanks, rifles, and artillery units to our soldiers to match their skills. We are a tightly knit group with activity on IRC, forums, and in-game. If you have at least Ranger skill level and Colonel rank and think you are ready to join our ranks, apply for the Army experience! -- senior officer Kyler Lee Octan.

Join the eUS Army! We're supportive and we can strike down enemies in an instant! -- officer JasonEye21

Want to join the US Military? Why not the US Army? We are the main fighting force of the USA and leave nothing but crater's in the earth of our enemies. The other branches may be strong but none of them are Army strong! Grab your Rifle and sign up for the US Army today! -- naruto kun10

From the eUS forums: The Army is the main force of the United States, able to be deployed wherever and whenever the President needs.


Application Form: CLICK HERE
Rank require😛 General
Level require😛 Nemesis

Quote from Commanding Officer Gannonus:

The Cavalry is a great branch to join if you are an active eRep player looking for other active eRep players. There are always opportunities for leadership, and you will be able to work with some of the best the eUS Military has to offer. We also have a special operations unit "the eUS Rangers" specially designed for more advanced and extremely active soldiers. Feel free to stop by our IRC chat room on #cavalry. And remember... If you ain't Cav, then you ain't s**t.

Senior Officer DeyoZero says: Cavalry rolls through like thunder, and leaves nothing but dust and blood in its wake.

We are riding a horse and we are awesome! -- longest cat

From the eUS forums: The Cavalry is a quick moving reaction force that the United States can use for a wide variety of missions. The Cavalry is also home to the eUS Rangers a special operations unit that relies on rapid deployments to fight enemies across the globe.


Application Form: CLICK HERE
Rank require😛 Field Marshal
Level require😛 Veteran -> Veteran*+
Nemesis in two categories

Thoughts from Airborne members:

The eAirborne is a dynamic community, and has the best IRC room in the military! Plus great weapons. -- Vanek26

The Airborne is hot stuff. As an Airborne trooper your enemies will dread your superior weapons, flawless organization, and painful execution. The pride of the Airborne is yours for the taking! -- officer DeathAndDestruction

Join Airborne. They're boxy, but they're good. -- senior officer Maruishima.

We're explosive and we come from above... Airborne, better watch your face foo. -- officer Jarhoul

From the eUS forums: The basic premise of the Airborne is that they can arrive with such speed that a coherent defense cannot be mounted against them for some time. Airborne forces are military units set up to be moved by aircraft and 'dropped' into battle. Thus they can be placed behind enemy lines, and have an ability to deploy almost anywhere with little warning.


Application Form: CLICK HERE
Rank require😛 Field Marshal
Level require😛 Veteran*+
Nemesis in two categories

I am an officer in the Marines, so I'll comment on this one. I joined the Marines several months ago, and have been in awe several times over our accomplishments, single-handedly flipping many battles. The Marines are the most elite fighting force in the U.S., and we have a pretty strong community as well. Enemies know we're not to be messed with.

Being in the Marines has been one of the most fun experiences I've had in this game.

Marine officer Kell Draygo: "We're the Marines, we kick ass. 'Nuff said."

From the eUS forums: In a nutshell, they are eMerica's finest. The Marines are a brotherhood of the most strong and dedicated soldiers the eUS and the eWorld has to offer. They are the first and most frequent to deploy, they get the best weapons, and they take those brick walls down in no time. Our enemies fear them and our allies love them.


If you want to try something different than the U.S. military, there are several private militias fighting for the U.S. and its allies. While not as big as the military, they do make an impact and their members tell me they have fun.

SEAL Team 6

Application form: CLICK HERE

Seal Team 6 is America's most famous private militia and the most successful. Speedcat McNasty, a friend of mine and a long-time ST6 member answered some questions. This is long, and I edited it down.

Why should people join ST6?

Anyone familiar with us already knows we kick ass and have a great time doing it. Members have joined most noticeably for reason’s such as being part of something greater, being able to achieve more working within an experienced and organized Team of players. Some join because they do not want to be in the military, perhaps it was off limits for whatever reason or because we offer a slightly different militaristic path to follow. More relaxed, yet still very focused on accomplishing our goals. They tend to stay because we are a tight knit group of active players with good attitudes, lots of RAWR and the ability to make it happen.

What makes ST6 different from the military and other militias?

You could say the SEALs are set-up similarly to the military, since there are only a few ways to properly run such an organization and our founder Josh Frost was more than savvy from his experience and background.

Some things that set us apart would respectfully be less titles, more independence, relaxed atmosphere. While still having room for promotion and advancement options for those ‘shining soldiers’ that want to contribute more. We are wholly responsible for making our own deployment decisions which means an extra degree of freedom is felt by all. Discussion is promoted and criticism that encourages growth is appreciated.

What are some of ST6's notable achievements?

Personally my favorite ever has to be the retaking of India vs Iran, or as it will always be known to ST6 members as “Battle of the Sand Goats!” Starting up 3 RW’s at once and spreading the Iranians around was a great time, getting death threat pm’s from Iranian citizens, amazing hate mail articles... it was a simpler time, a better time 🙂 nowing that you helped kill a former Empire is awesome.

Freeing Belgium (Sealgium), while somewhat controversial to some at the time, was a great adventure. Favorite IRC log of all time was from the RW of Belgium.. came from the old PEACE HQ wondering wth we were doing and how we had more damage then two countries combined.

How do people join, and what are the requirements?

We do not require nor discriminate any party membership or country citizenship. Everyone is invited to apply by filling out this form:

If you have any questions feel free to contact myself or Executive Officer/TST6 CO Julian Mizu.

EZ Company

Application form: CLICK HERE

All of these questions were answered by Calebb, the Commanding Officer of the EZ Company. I edited his responses down for length. In the interest of full disclosure, I currently work for an EZ Company-run commune.

Why should people join the EZ Company?

Given the new battle module, real battlefield effectiveness will lay with organized groups of of people with specific goals. It is the way of the future, or, I guess...the present...

EZC is on the forefront of this battle strategy. Though relatively small, we are a highly mobile and tightly focused group that will continue to carry out spec ops missions well into V2.

What makes the EZ Company different from the military and other militias?

I would like to preface this by saying, “if you can get in, and can handle it, you should consider the US Military first.” But, if the Military life is not for you, you should join EZC.
The atmosphere is unparalleled and we’re a pretty tight-knit group of people. We have a great IRC presence and socially, we have a great time with the game. Set against the backdrop of the most kick-ass party in the game, The Federalist Party, there are few who can offer our sense of belonging and camaraderie.

How do people join, and what are the requirements?

The requirements for joining EZC are that you be dedicated to our mission of laying down some serious damage wherever our country and our allies need us, respectfully represent EZC in your in-game behavior and always be active and informed. You can apply here:

You will be given an interview and a summary examination by our FBI. Contrary to what’s being said on the street, you do NOT need to be a Federalist to join EZC

USWP Militia

Application Form: CLICK HERE

Info from GreekHoplite, the leader of the USWP militia.

People should join the USWP Militia if
a. You have any ambition in becoming a politician.
b. You want to help increase player retention.
c. You want to understand the economic and political modules of eRepublik.
d. You want to make some long standing friends along the way.
e. You did not want to rage-quit just because v2 is so far less satisfying than v1...give the game some time.

The USWP Militia is different from other militias and military because it gives ample opportunity for individuals to voice their political minds and venture avenues that offer more freedom of choice as opposed to other organizations.The USWP Militia has gone through some adversity these last few weeks, but it is something I would like to turn around immediately. Hopefully, with the respect of the USWP leadership, we can reconcile our differences from old APF leadership and gain the momentum that was lost. What is done. We need to all swallow our prides, and fear, to unite and remain the #1 party in the eUSA. It is very easy to join and the only requirement is that you are a party member with the United States Workers Party!


Application form: CLICK HERE

Party President gagah provided the info below:

You can be in SEES and the SS at the same time, unlike if you wanted to join the military. Also, if you want to be a part of a growing organization. Shortly before I returned to power, plans were to shut down the militia and our companies, but Max Wallingbottom III showed a lot of passion for the opportunity to run a militia, and he's doing a great job. We're having v2 bumps, like I hope everyone else is having, but we;re still growing.

What differentiates from other party militias is that we are proactive when it comes to finding places to fight. A little known fact is that we helped plan Nippon's invasion of Corea a few months ago, and also interesting is that we fought alongside our Fed bros' EZ Company, and even though they're more established that we were at the time, and still are today, we out damaged them. And I'm not talking about out damaging them by a few points, we did 3 times the damage they did. No gold spent.

So, we have more in common with the Seals than other party militias, in that we're hxc about fighting. It's not just a tacked on piece of bullshit to make us seem like a more filled-out party, it's a serious fighting force. Just wait until we growsome.

Requirements are: level 5 or higher in one mil area, you must work for a SEES company, and must be SEES. Also wear the frame. It's p cool.

Independent Legion

Application Form: CLICK HERE

Info below from Kazeal:

The Independent Legion (the UIP militia) is a collection of party members organized into a loose battle unit and headed by a staff of officers. They carry the fun and community of the UIP onto the battlefield.

Why should people join The Independent Legion? Because it's an extension of the UIP, of course! We have a great community, which lends itself greatly to enhancing the entire eRepublik experience; simply, going into battles together, we make them even more fun 🙂

The End

To those of you who made it to the end, you get a cookie. Thank you for reading.