Help the Welcoming Committee, win a house!

Day 635, 22:46 Published in USA USA by Welcoming Committee>EbonKrowne generously donated a Q1 house to the Welcoming Committee.

I am using this to raise funds for the Welcoming Committee. Send 5 USD to the>Welcoming Committee and you get a ticket in the raffle. There is no limit to the amount of tickets you can buy.

UPDATE: The contest ends at 12:00 on Wednesday, Aug. 19

What does the Welcoming Committee do? Well, the main purpose is to help welcome new players to the game, which includes:

1) A free Q1 gift for newbs who ask for one, and they are sent back links with important info and resources.

2) Gifts to players under 40 wellness so they can fight and help us in the war. They are also sent instructions on how to fight effectively, like the ones>contained in this article.

3) If funds allow, moving tickets to Americans in occupied territory and Americans at level 5 in states other than Florida or New Jersey, so they can help the war effort.

4) A gifting exchange for all players. If they send a gift, they are gifted back, boosting their wellness.

5) Someone people can rely on to answer questions and offer advice.

I'd also like to recognize some amazing donors to the Welcoming Committee. Each of these people have donated at least 10 gold during the existence of the Welcoming Committee, and deserve our thanks:

Chris Stanwick

Thank you for reading,
-- Ligtreb
Welcoming Committee director