Help Mia Cut Down the Redwood [Mia for PP]

Day 1,604, 12:35 Published in Canada Canada by Wombatman25

Good day eCanada,

With Party President elections coming up shortly: I would like to release my endorsement.

I am endorsing Mia Angela Carina

My endorsement may not mean much to many of you, however, I would still like to shed some light on this great candidate.

Mia Angela Carina is running for PP of the Norsefire Redwood Originals Party

Please take the time to read herarticles and platform

Why you should vote for Mia:

Voting for Mia will help take down a Norsefire Party. We all know that there are too many of these corrupt parties.

She is a new player and she represents the promise that new players have. She demonstrates the fact that we need more new blood in this country. She has made it clear that she is here to stay and that she wants to contribute to eCanada.

Mia may rename the party New Power Generation. I fully support this name as it symbolizes two things:

1. The power of new players.

2. Moving past the age of Rolo hysteria into a new age of eCanadian power

A Vote for Mia is a vote against Rolo!