Help Me.... To Help You.... To Help Us

Day 460, 03:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Dan Fallows

Greetings to One and All,

Depending on when you are reading this the congressional elections are either in a few days or right now and you clicked through to see my presentation.

Either way I now come to you not with promises of Gold and War but with a proposal for you all.

While I was at work today I was thinking about eRep and was wondering what I could possibly offer that people will stand up and think "hmm he might be worth supporting" and then it hit me, eRepublik isn't all about amassing a huge wealth, its about the community and the ability to work together to develop the country to a point where we can be proud of what we have achieved TOGETHER.

My first priority would be to propose more transparency in the way our taxes are spent. Yes we know some is spent on health and some on War and some on ministers wages. Do you not think we are entitled to know exactly where our taxes are heading so we can have a greater say in future spending??

My second port of call would be a push to get more diamonds into this country and get the price down to something reasonable, this can be achieved in many ways including loans/grants to start up businesses who are willing to export to us and/or Tax rebates on imports. This issue is one that needs sorting ASAP because our wellness plays a huge part in our productivity which at the end of the day we all want to be as high as possible.

Centralisation of the NHS is another key issue I would like raised because the current way we do it puts a huge strain on the London clinic while other less populated clinics stand virtually empty, there is a tool that has been developed using the eRepublik API for this very use and I would like to see us take full advantage of it.

My last point before I let you go cast your all important vote is one that also encompasses the question of what I would do with the 5 gold if I won. I would use the gold to create a new Org into which I would transfer both of my businesses (wheat-a-mix and Billies Cookies). This new org will plough all of its profit Back into Northern Ireland and the NHS thorough gifting and cash.

Citizens in Northern Ireland will be given priority when vacancies arise providing they have a wellness above 60, Are getting gifted by the NHS and are feeding themselves, The company will pay competitive wages and will be topping up the NHS gifting to full wellness of 100 for all employees who have worked for at least 2 weeks, are working daily and feeding themselves.

So there it is, My vision for the next month and beyond, If you came looking for Grand promises and a huge speech on how I intend to make N.I even better than it already is then this is not the manifesto for you.

If on the other hand you would like to give ME the opportunity to give YOU the opportunity to help US then vote for me on the 25th.

Remember a Great Region is nothing without a Great country to back it up.

-Dan Fallows-