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Day 791, 16:09 Published in Indonesia Brazil by Dio Jazar" />
Official Diary of Brasil
January 16, day 788 of the New World

"You can never get all the facts from just one newspaper, and unless you have all the facts, you cannot make proper judgements about what is going on."
(Harry Truman)

Media Mogul Brazil Project - MMB

The Project MMB aims to increase the store in GOLD of the government and encourage the brazilian midia. It is very important that the WHOLE population helps signing the participating newspaper of MMB, including with your. The greater the success of the program is the grater amount of gold will be stored for the government to maintain the sovereighnty of our nation, and more instruments of media will have their audience increased.

We believe that the midia is a great tool for the exercise of democracy, including for the control of government activities. The mass media is important and good for everybody.

What do I lose signing the listed newspapers? NOTHING, as it is unlimited the quantity of news that you can.

We request that you sign the following:

Teh Alien

- Jean Liberato
A Bussola

- Lucas da Silva
The Napoleon

- Capanese
Rascunho eNacional

- Nuutxer
Midia Nut

- Splash_OS

- Daniboy22
Bulls on Parade

- Flausino
A Gazeta do Povo

- Ryan Cullen
Magna Veritas

- Joaquim Pedro
O ePasquim

"There was a time when the reader of an unexciting newspaper would remark, 'How dull is the world today!' Nowadays he says, 'What a dull newspaper!"
(Daniel J. Boorstin)

More informations about the actions of MdC for the increase of signatures will be published soon.

Media Moguls spread the Project MMB, we count on the support of EVERYBODY!

Rules for participants:

1. Publish no mora than 1 article during the.
2. The ruond will last one week, however, for being a PILOT project it can be extended or terminated prior to next round (if participants get a medal before the deadline, or another newspaper gets more difficulty than).
3. Who don't get the Media Mogul medal will get ONLY the registration fee back and must pay for every 100 signatures (1 gold).
4. It is VETOED any politic PROPAGANDA, being reserved the right of journalistic article about politic in the single article permitted during the round.
5. The participant who break any of the rules will be automatically excluded, and will not be refunded.


Caius Julio Cesar
Minister of Communication

Media Secretary

John Dragon
Internaciol Secretary

e-Brasil President

Journalists, spread the Official Diary
A country can't be considered serious without a strong media