Hello Ireland!

Day 597, 00:13 Published in Ireland Pakistan by Longbaugh

And, welcome to The Long Bow.


I’m new to the Emerald Isle. My name is Longbaugh. I was born in eTexas on Friday the 13th of March, day 479 of the New World. I own my own organization, Orchid Worldwide, based out of Hawai’i. My avatar is that of Christopher Hitchens, a personal hero of mine.

I am a transplant. So, you might be asking why I’m here. Essentially, I wrote an article (deleted by admin) that received an UNBELIEVABLY negative, rude, pissy, name-calling slew of responses. Essentially, the senator from Oklahoma created a fake Fort Knox and proposed a federal transfer of 99,999 USD. The proposal would have passed if it weren’t for the French (of all people) reporting it to the eUSA forums and Joe DaSmoe spear-heading the campaign to let the entire senate body know of the plot. The senator from Oklahoma was permanently banned, as was the fake organization. Admin stopped the proposal, but not before 24 senators had registered an “aye” vote.

Anyway, I ran for congress twice in Hawai’i. I won the first time and lost by one vote the second time. And, I was really looking forward to running a third time and re-taking my seat. The problem surfaced its ugly head when I wrote that article. I thought it was proper to call out the party that endorsed him and put him in congress. As a private citizen I called out the party.

What I saw develop over the next few hours was that ugliness that I had been warned about before but scoffed at. The strict ineptitude and endless misconstrual was enough to leave me disgusted at the whole operation. I left my party, I quit my high-paying $18-a-day job, and I got the hell out of America. Because, while I may be ambitious, I'm certainly not that ambitious. I didn't lie to my fellow Hawai'ians when I told them of my integrity.

What really sealed the deal was that the criminal senator shed the most light on the problem. And, it wasn’t so much his claims that I believed… it was the fact that his former party didn’t even bother to address them, much less refute them.

Our private message conversation:

Robert S. Miller (HiFAT Industries):
As I said, I don't have the PMs. The deal was this. Emerick was leading Enzo Capizzi in Vermont. Enzo lived there and won there before. The libs shipped in tons of votes for Emerick, and Emerick made a "deal" with Enzo to leave Vermont to him and said that he would run in Michigan. Obviously he lied.

One of the UIP higher ups, T something, sent me logs from an IRC with Claire. He told her they were going to ship in for Enzo, but that they would let Emerick win if they let me have Oklahoma. So, just for the score board, that deal got the citizens of the US 1 Emerick and 1 Robert S. Miller.

My response:
Whatever happened I am absolutely positive will remain under wraps. Emerick has too much power for anything else to happen.

Robert S. Miller (HiFAT Industries):
Exactly right. I don't give a good god damn what you think of me, but, the reason I did this has a lot to do with the cult of Beta Giant worship. Even in Congress I had nothing to do in this game. The same people stay in power. I got bored. What is that stupid rapper's album? "Get rich or die trying," I think? Well, I wanted to mix the game up a bit, for myself or for the rest of you. I hope this mixes it up a bit.

My response:
It definitely mixed it up for me. I quit the USWP and will sleep on the idea of leaving the eUSA entirely.

Robert S. Miller (HiFAT Industries):
Well, I don't know much about you, but you've got god damn Hitchens as your avatar, and thats enough for me.


So, I felt really dirty not only from the vile hatred people can spit when they simply disagree with you, but also from former colleagues of mine that seemed to be just as vapidly flammable. Considering how quickly I left, you might yet get a taste of the irrational antagonism of the United States, as I’m sure some of those blokes are checking up on me.

As I learn more about the eRepublic of Ireland I might get involved. Until then, this is more or less a permanent vacation for me.