Hello from eSerbs!

Day 448, 10:19 Published in Hungary Hungary by Azoo Lazzo
Hello from Serbian citizens! As you maybe know, we will get our country tomorrow! We want to make good relations with all citizens in the world.

If you want, you can open a thread dedicated to your nation in embassy section in our official forum. Please visit our site and forum here: www.eserbia.iz.rs.

We have some problems. We will have 1000 GOLD and 100000 RSD (our national currency) in our country treasury. BUT, admin didn't gave us any access to money before getting our Congress. We will be able to use money from national treasury after Congress elections, but this will be after 25th of February! Until this date, we must organize our economy, make political parties, make organizations, and we don't have own gold!!! We must pray people from the world for donations, and this is the only way. Same thing happened to eCroatia, but they had much more gold, because they had much old experienced citizens before getting eCroatia.

We will make article about donations after few days. We will write who has donated and how much. This will be to everybody know who is human and who helped us. If you help to us, we will appreciate you, and you can ask for help when you will need it.

So, please help us with donations to Narodna Banka Srbije.

If you cannot help us in gold, please vote our newspapers and subscribe to it. Please vote THIS article on Serbian language.

Also, if you have some friends who are Serbs, please tell them for our organization on our SITE, and to donate gold if they have to Narodna Banka Srbije.

Thank you all, no matter will you help us or not! We think that we will make good relations with your country after getting eSerbia!