Hello from eMoldavian friends. (PO)

Day 667, 23:59 Published in Poland Republic of Moldova by Foreign Office Moldova
Good day!

Not very long time ago eMoldavia apeared (reapeared) on the eR map, as a little state in the eastern border of eRomania, our bigger sister country, by the good will of eRomania and eUkraine, who agreed that even us should exist.

eMoldavia may be an old and disputed territory but is a young society, consisting of approx 500 citizens, with the population rising as we speak. We take this as a symbol of a new community being born, for the common welfare of its members. The main resource in eMoldavia’s 5 regions is grain and the GDP is of roughly 216 gold. What we take pride in is that there is no embargo on our products, a sign that we intend to nourish mutually beneficial economic connections with any interested eRepublik countries.

We arise and whis to stay as a country in the eR.
Of course, we are very well aware of the responsibility bestowed on us by ours people. They have high hopes, but these do not exceed the high standards of conduct and transparency we have imposed on ourselves.

We allready made aquintance with yours MoFA but, to improve even more relations and to forge the future alliance, we whish to have with all the EDEN country’s, we now come to make you a friendly request of help and a little proposition (because even we are little now 😃).

So, we will surely need help on the 25th congressional elections to overcame the Hungarian threat.
For an general image, to the PP elections we have 100 votes and the Hungarians 140.

For that we willingly offer to your country a seat in congres of eMoldavia, hopping that this will improve even more ours good relations and friendship.

The plan:
eMoldavia have 4 regions, with 9 congresional seats each one, and 4 wild cards.
So, we think to distribute the votes of ours friends as follows:
- Chisinau region = Greece
- Northern Basarabia region = Croatia
- Southern Basarabia region = Poland
- Transnistria region = Romania
Other EDEN country will be noticed in time to help where neded.

After the election day, the elected congresmans could move to Chisinau region, in order to benefit the Q5 hospital in there.
Further details will be discused after yours general agreement.

Hopping in a good future,

Maniu, MoFA of eMoldavia (Moldova).