Hello from eIndia [Regarding MPP]

Day 658, 17:17 Published in Hungary USA by Jelly9473

Hello to all of eHungary!
On behalf of eIndia and myself as the new ambbasador from eIndia to your great country I would like to inform you on the MPP proposal that has just been proposed between our two amazing countries of eIndia and eHungary.

MPP proposal from eIndia to eHungary

This MPP is being proposed to kick-off the relation that is being built between our countries, by signing an MPP we show our gratitute towards eachother and our promise to continue bettering our relations for as long as our nations are alive on the map and in spirit which hopefully will be forever 🙂

So here is to bettering our relations and if anyone, eIndian or eHungarian wants to discuss something with me I will be more than happy to discuss anything with you, whether it be about this MPP or anything.

Please Congressman of eHungary I ask you to accept this proposal if you wish to see our relations sky-rocket to the highest of points 🙂

To eHungary, and to eIndia. And to the best of relations between us!

-Signed as eIndian ambassador to eHungary and Major of the Indian Army