Hello Everyone^^

Day 1,740, 11:10 Published in South Korea United Kingdom by Kwon Eun Seo

Note: I apologize to all the Korean readers out there in advance. I am not good at Korean since I live in US in real life but when I decided to sign up for eRepublik I decided to join eSK instead. I do know some Korean but probably not enough to write an article with it.

So I have been thinking for some time, should I really spend 2 gold and make a newspaper? at first I was like 'no way' I need the gold for other stuff. But as I looked around, everything in gold is so expensive. I could see how much money this game makes from all the people buying gold. But I will try playing without using real money for now. To be honest, I wouldn't have created this newspaper if I didn't win 2 battle heroes and gotten 4 extra gold. Can't wait to fight in Division 2, hopefully I'll get there in 2 weeks!

I have only been playing eRepublik for 17 days and I really enjoy this game. However, I keep running out of Korean Won and need to trade gold to get more (which is not worth it 1 gold only equals 500 KRW). In fact, I've been looking at the prices of all of eSK's ally nations and came to UK because here is where the cheapest food and weapons are at.

Anyways, Please add me as a friend! If you are new, feel free to message me and I'll try to give you some advice and food/weapons or maybe a job 🙂

Don't worry, I'll probably write more articles later on KPOP and other Korean entertainment and maybe even about eRepublik. I won't put those 2 gold to waste!

Also, if you guys have time, you should watch The Moon That Embraces The Sun. I'm currently watching it and its so good (I know I am very late lol) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lkx8o6i_X0w