Hello eAustralia (part 1)

Day 1,097, 05:42 Published in Australia India by Wall_ster

Hello Australia o/

My name is Wall_ster. I am the newest citizen of your beautiful country. I am writing this article to give the Australian people an idea of who I am and why did I come to your Country 🙂. I come from eIndia. I am a Real life Indian and my name is Vinay. I live in Mumbai, India. In my first article I will give an insider on what my first look of Australia was. As every new person to another Country does I went on a Tour of Your beautiful country.

These are the few eplaces I visited in your eCountry
1) The Opera house in Sydney

I started to think how did the engineers build such a thing and how is it still standing with such beautiful shapes?

2) Then I went to the sea and visited the great barrier reaf

I was astonished at the sheer size of the reef.

3) Then me and my friend Henry and Nathan went to the surfers paradise beach for surfing

We sure had hell lot of a fun there didnt we Henry 😉

4) Then I took a helicopter ride over ayers rock.

From the top view that Mountain looks way too beautiful.

5) Then I decided to go to a few wildlife sancturies in Australia to take a look at the various unique wildlife species I can find here

He looks so cute while sleeping doesnt he 😁

I was amused to see birds longer than me hmmm (mom was right I should have been more active during my growing ages.) :/ Now a bird is ahead of mee 😛

And lastly I went to see the national animal of Australi the Kangaroo 😃

Here my Tour ends but no worries for me. I have come here to settle and am Gonna be a part of this beautiful eCountry for a very long time. In my next article I will give u guys a tour of my RL country India. So keep track of my articles.

And if u have liked my article dont hesitate to vote comment and subcribe 🙂
Thank you all for taking time to read this article.
Good Day and Cheers o7