Hello Conservative Party

Day 666, 13:45 Published in USA USA by Mattoze5

(Note: No, the title isn't wrong)

Hello Conservative Party,

I am writing this today for obvious reasons. Today I say farewell to the CvP as Party President. It has been a great honor to serve such a great party and nation for the past three months and I would not have traded it for anything. I know that things got off to a rocky start, especially with “you know who” around, but things got better and I believe we have recovered quite well. Although I undoubtedly hoped things would have gone differently, nonetheless I believe the CvP has a bright future ahead. Despite our recent acquaintance, I am sure Raegan Taylor will lead this party to the prosperity it deserves (something I was not quite able to do) I wish her well in the month ahead 😉

When I first joined this party, I had goals to become someone important, but I never quite believed that I could actually make it this far. I thank all of you who made it possible for me to become party president, and I thank those of you who stuck with me all the way: Don’t be disappointed, we did the best we could and now we must move on. I hope that through the past months, the party has come to learn a greater value in other people. I always hear how I didn’t do well because I wasn’t conservative enough. I hope this isn’t true: not because it hurts my image, but because that would mean we’ve missed the meaning behind my actions and learned nothing about valuing others. It’s never too late to change 😉

Many of you are going to wonder what I do next. To be honest I do not quite know myself: I had been hoping to run seriously for POTUS this upcoming 5th, but under the circumstances I do not see that happening. Maybe you think otherwise 😉 One thing is for sure, I will be remaining in the US and in the Conservative Party. Both of these are my home and I will not abandon either of them. I will also continue to do odd jobs and other work for the CvP, hopefully including, with the approval of Raegan, running a whole new media aspect: now that I’m no longer party president I will have more time to conduct the podcasts, parties, and other activities that I had wanted to, on a regular basis. As for the detailed future of the CvP and the old council members, I do not know: that is up to Raegan. I am not going away. I will still be here on the game just as much as before 🙂

To all the other people I have worked with, including diplomats, other PP’s, congressional representatives, and citizens at large: I have enjoyed working with you and I hope that I didn’t let you down. I ask that you continue to trust the CvP and Raegan just as much as you would have me, if not more.
As I wrap this up there are a few people I’d like to address:

Dodgercatcher (My 2nd CvP Vice President)—I know you are disappointed that we did not have another term, but don’t give up on us. Even though it won’t be the same now that I am no longer PP, we are still a great party, and there are still many fun things left ahead for the CvP 😉

Hekter—I know we didn’t always get along politically XD but you’ve always been a great walrus….I mean friend 😉 I know you’ll continue to stick around with the new CvP leader(s) and maybe even join them now. Just don’t forget about me and us old guys 😉 we’ve been through too much for that. 🙂

Angelini (my New Member Coordinator)—I know that things didn’t go according to plan, but I have no doubt in my mind that you have a great future ahead of you in the CvP 😉 No matter what happens in the future, keep aiming up and I’m sure you’ll become the next Party President

Cromstar (my 1st CvP Vice President)—We have been buds since my first day in the CvP. If it hadn’t been for you and the help you gave me, I would never have become Party President. I thank you for all the work you did, not only for me, but the party, and the country. Do not become discouraged, the CvP is still going to be a great party, and I hope we continue to hear from each other on IRC 😉

Kmathis1022 (my CvP Treasurer)—I wish you luck on your entrepreneurship. I am sad that you have to leave, but I am sure you will return 😉 Your dedication and loyalty to the party at such an early stage in the game is admirable, and I hope my leaving as PP doesn’t change that. The CvP needs someone as dedicated as you running the show 😉

To all the others—Please stay active, the CvP needs you no matter how small your job, you won’t regret it.

In conclusion I’d like to remind all eAmericans to remain active, have fun, and most importantly remember that it is the person behind the keyboard who counts.

Thank you,
God Bless the Conservative Party,
God Bless the eUS,
And God Bless America