Day 2,349, 13:45 Published in United Kingdom Croatia by Lord Othere

Hello, Citizens of the eUK!

I'd like to announce the birth of a new, independent newspaper; 'The Patriotic Voice'.

Official logo of The Patriotic Voice.

The Patriotic Voice (TPV) serves as a beacon of direction for the eUK on its way towards Empire. Amidst the tundra of political change, economic fluctuation and international uncertainty; we here at TPV prioritise the eBritish national struggle. We are representative of a number of new and more experienced players alike here in the eUK and hope to provide fresh ideas, content and fun to the game experience for all eBritons and our international allies with whom we stand in solidarity.

Shining a light on the national struggle!

TPV holds an unwavering stance on the primacy of eUK success. This includes both domestic and foreign affairs. TPV supports the maximisation of wellness, economic success and general happiness of every eUK citizen. We are proud to speak out against any influence that might oppose these factors. Also, TPV holds concern for the eUK on the international stage. Therefore we are advocates of military prowess, increased territorial acquisition and stable, loyal, mutually beneficial alliances. This means that we are among the first to call out support for our international comrades. However, we recognise and recall the true competitive nature of the New World. Thus, the dominance of the eUK is among the prime concerns of TPV - we do not believe in defeatism but rather innovation and teamwork in order to continually expand our national sphere of influence.

Fighting the good fight!

TPV believes in the pursuit of equality, prosperity and inclusion for all eUK citizens. Myself (Press Director) and a few irl friends all have an input to some degree or another as to the content of this paper. As has been mentioned, some of these friends are new to the game, some are more experienced players. Therefore, as a representative sample of relatively fresh yet enthusiastic players TPV is always concerned with the voice of the new citizen. We look towards the mitigation of those influences that might not capture the attention of the new citizen. We support a vision of the eUK where new citizens are invited towards further participation in eUK society. We seek an eUK where government structure and procedure seems open and accessible to the newbie. We seek an eUK with a strong sense of national solidarity, where old and new citizens alike are friendly and cooperative. We seek an eUK that provides information and resource to its citizenry when needed. We seek government by the people, for the people. In this way and others, TPV promotes an eBritish society attractive towards potential new citizens, while advising cautionary immigration procedures. TPV promotes long term gains towards a society where all eUK citizens feel they have full support, access and ability in regions of political, economic, military and social development.

Bringing you the latest in eUK news!

So, now you know where TPV is coming from. We hold these ideals firmly and will provide a discourse on how we can make them apply to the eUK. We will speak out when we feel they are compromised. We will do what we can to provide sources of information, entertainment and discussion for the betterment of the condition of the eUK citizen. We thank you for your time reading and we look forward to the future. Please subscribe to show your support and to receive updates hot off the press!
