Hello and Goodbye....

Day 911, 07:57 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Deviltje

After 3 days in the eUS i got homesick so today i moved back to the eUNL!! I deleted my account on the eUS forum and cancelled my request for citizenship. Not that i ever would have gotten it😁
Currently I am working again for the best boss in the eUNL, Auggy.

When i get my 18th hard work medal (within 6 days) i will stop playing eRepublik. Maybe i will be back someday, but at the moment i don't think i will. My company (Devilicious Guns Q4) will go to Auggy and he will take care of it. So if i decide to start eRep again i can get the company back. If not Auggy got a nice company for free😉

Why stop?

I have been playing this game since day 309 and i have had a lot of fun, but the last months the fun in the game became less and less. If it wasn't for IRC i would have quited months ago. I think that the eUNL government should advertise the IRC channels they have more often. It can be a great value to new players to get to know other players in the IRC channels.

Next week i will write my final article, My life on eRep.
