Has India just back-stabbed Australia and EDEN?

Day 1,018, 19:53 Published in Australia Australia by Goose Step

Good Afternoon eAustralia,

This morning I was alerted to some disturbing news by respected eAustralia Wally Wilson.

This article in the India press http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/phoenix-and-eindia-common-goals-1506544/1/20 confirms that the so-called neutral India has let Pehonix nationa Serbia through it's land to gain access to Asia.

I'd like to ask the government of India... are you currently under PTO or do you just enjoy doing something extremely stupid?

The article (written by Pheonix media operatives) claims that they are on the way to Malaysia for new adventures... but we really known where they are heading...

The Northern Territory of Australia is a titanium region and Phoenix want it. Similar to EDEN carving up Russia, Phoenix now want to carve up Australia.

India... don't you remember what happened in December 09?

The neutral South Africa tried to stop a PTO by letting the Phoenix nation Brazil hold a few regions... however Brazil abused the trust and used it to invade Australia.

You should remember... you fought with us then to help save our country... so why do the dirty on us now? If you need military help, yell out, we're always looking to help.

We South Africa we have forgiven by not forgotten.

HOWEVER, there's an old saying "Once Bitten, Twice Shy - If we don't see your army marching through Asia to stop Serbia from getting to us, let's just say, if someone else invades you in the future, we'll turn a blind eye and say "Karma".


A message now to our EDEN friends China and our Bros the USA. I know your having fun in Russia, but now seriously is the time to push south deep into Asia before we are occupied by two countries.

CrowdedHouse (Goose Step)

P.S. EDEN High Command, I'm interested in looking after your media - please contact me