Haris The Emperor for New Mexico

Day 1,402, 12:35 Published in USA USA by XxBusinessMogulexX

Hello everybody, my name is Haris The Emperor and I’m running for congress in New Mexico.
Don’t worry, I’m not gonna bother you with things like: “ I’m gonna make the world a better place”, “I’ll make you all rich and your storages will always be full of food and tanks” ! I’m not gonna promise you anything like that. I’ll just tell you a few words about myself and why I’m running for congress in New Mexico.

I’m a cowboy who roamed the western lands for a long time. Well you could call me a drifter. I was never attached to something and I really like to travel, but I’ve decided to settle down in New Mexico and just give it a shot. I’M JUST LIKE THE MOST OF YOU PEOPLE. I don’t have a lot of money, don’t have a lot of land, new in the game… I don’t like politics much, but I’ve decided to try to make some diffrence. Why not help a lot of other ranchers or lonely cowboys to enjoy life in eRepublic just like I am.
I’ll really give my best to make things better, to make this game much more interesting. If I succed to at least make the wild west a nice place to live, my mission will be accomplished. If not, you won’t lose anything by giving me a chance and I’ll just keep with my life of a lonely cowboy.

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Untill next time, goodbye.
Haris The Emperor