Happy Wednesday

Day 1,506, 11:57 Published in USA USA by Levif92

Good afternoon everyone! Not sure if this is going to be a daily paper or a weekly one but I have the time to write another article today so I won't waste the opportunity. Thanks to all who have subscribed, voted, and/or provided excellent feedback.

Fun Fact of the Day:
Adolph Hitler played chess daily. He always chose the white pieces, and insisted on being allowed to replace one of his bishops with a second queen.

Quote of the Day:
Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved the absolute rejection of authority.
-Thomas H. Huxley (1825-1895)

What's Going On:

1.Poland Reclaims Territories

Poland has reclaimed several of its territories and is currently attempting to reclaim Great Poland from Romania and Little Poland from Bulgaria. With little help from allies, it is likely that both Bulgaria and Romania will lose these territories by day's end. However, I doubt that this will be the end of the conflicts in Eastern Europe.

2.US Growth and Defense in Western Europe

The US has retained its recently gained territories in France and is actively fending off a French resistance force in Aquitaine. With a successful gain of a new region in Spain (Aragon), the US continues to expand its European territories.

3.eNPR Debate

I tuned in for my first eNPR Debate last night. In what turned out to be an exciting debate, dominated mostly by Oblige and Pizza the Hut II, questions pertaining to expansion, high taxes in RL NY, and government budgeting for communes took the focus of the debate. Pizza the Hut II, speaking faster than a mile a minute, made it difficult to understand his answers. However, his 'pre-ejaculatory' statement was made quite clear in the eNPR chat room. His rigid stand on discontinuing funding for communes angered many listening in. With the conclusion of the debate, I have decided to cast my vote to re-elect Oblige.

4.Side Note

Michelle Bachmann decided to drop out of the RL presidential race after a visit to Iowa. "Last night, the people of Iowa spoke with a very clear voice. And so I have decided to stand aside" -Bachmann
I'm sure that there is at least one presidential candidate greatly saddened by this news.

Thanks for reading this edition of Blowin' in the Wind!
Happy Wednesday!

Third Article: January 4, 2012