Happy Wednesday (02/15/12)

Day 1,548, 13:18 Published in USA USA by Levif92

Happy Wednesday All! Enjoy!

The Show Me Some Love Raffle Extended!

Because everyday should be Valentine's Day, if you show some love to the Revodka Distillery (Revolutionary Party Commune) and make a donation, no matter how big or how small, you will be entered into a raffle with the grand prize of 5 Gold!

So here's how it's going to work:
Donate anything (Q1-Q6 food/weapons, USD, Gold, etc.) to the Revodka Distillery by donating to my account (I've been running the commune) and you will automatically receive one ticket to be randomly entered into the drawing. However, for every 50 items at either Q5 or Q6 lvl, you will receive an additional ticket to be entered into the drawing. Same goes for every $1,000 USD or 1.0 gold donated!
Shout this article and leave a comment letting me know for an additional raffle ticket!

-I donate one Q1 Food : I receive one ticket for donating
-I donate $1,000 USD : I receive one ticket for donating, one for the donation being at least $1,000 USD
-I donate 50 Q6 tanks, $1,000 US😨 I receive one ticket for donating, one for donating at least 50 Q6 tanks, one for at least $1,000 USD
-I donate 200 Q6 Food : I receive one ticket for donating, and 4 for donating 200 (50 X 4) Q6 Food.

A List of Prizes (In order from best to worst)
-5 Gold!
-2 Gold!
-1 Gold!
-0.5 Gold!
-50 Q5 Tanks
-25 Q5 Tanks
-10 Q5 Tanks
-300 Q1 Food
-250 USD
-100 USD
-50 USD
-25 USD
-1 USD
-1 Q1 Food

I originally stated that donations could be made until today at 9:30 eRep time.
However, given that eRep has been especially stagnant these past few days, and given the technical difficulties on the site yesterday into today, I have decided to extend the Raffle to last until Friday at 11:00 eRep time. Remember, you can always continue to donate even after the contest is over!

Why Donate?
To get our Revolutionary bomb dog some hot dogs

...or...to help the Revolutionaries build a death star

...or...because, despite how ironically painful it was, even this guy donate😛

So, there you have it. Make sure you donate and help a fellow MU out. After all, we're all in this together.

On with the show:

Fun Fact of the Day:
A typist’s fingers travel 12.6 miles during an average workday.

Quote of the Day:
"We can't all be heroes because somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by."
-Will Rogers (1879 - 1935)

Could you imagine if we were all Obliges?

...Scary shit...

Comic of the Day:

He's pointing to Ajay by the way.

Optical Illusion of the Day:

What's Going On:

1.eRep Maintenance

eRep has hired Ben Dover and sons to work on some maintenance issues that have been bugging the site in the past few days with significant issues this morning. The issues this morning resulted in the inability to press "Fight" except maybe once or twice, if you were lucky, during battles.

Good news though! Ben's wife, Ilene, will be bringing warm cookies to everyone for the inconvenience!

2.From Mexico, With Love

Starting yesterday, as a Valentine's gift to the US, Mexico began a RW in Baja, just below California. With the failure of the Taco Bellian regime still looming, the former-taco bellians have merged with Spain in their efforts to launch a new food chain, with much healthier options. Mexico is working to bring the food chain to N. America.

3.Spain Launches New Food Chain!

Spain, in gaining back Asturias from the US, has launched the Grand Opening of their new food chain!

...methinks this won't catch on...

4.England Gone!

UK forever...my ass!


While Poland didn't gain any new regions yesterday, they also didn't lose any.
This makes Medvedev happy:

6.Serbia Slimming Down

Serbia, committing to a diet from the Zombie food chain, has begun slimming down quite a bit! Down multiple regions in just one day!

I think that's all for today...Hopefully the site's fixed soon!

Anyways, Hope you enjoyed! And don't forget to Read/Vote/Sub/Shout/Enter the Raffle!

248 subs!

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