Happy Tuesday/Shot at 2 Gold! (02/07/12)

Day 1,540, 16:09 Published in USA USA by Levif92

Happy Tuesday All! Enjoy, and remember to enter the contest!

Contest Time:

I would like a new banner for my newspaper. PM me a link to a banner that you have created for my paper. The best banner (chosen by me of course) will be picked and announced in this Friday's (02/10/12) paper and will win 2.00 gold!
Not just 1...but 2 whole gold bars!

Fun Fact of the Day:
In Bangladesh, kids as young as 15 can be jailed for cheating on their finals.

Quote of the Day:
"...You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows."
Bob Dylan (1941 - ), "Subterranean Homesick Blues", 1965

Comic of the Day:

Optical Illusion of the Day:

What's Going On:

1.eNPR Tonight:

Come listen tonight at 19:00 eRep time: Click Here

I'll be on the show tonight!

2.Taco Bell Liquidation

Taco Bell's shrinking as the Croats and Americans push back against them. Down to just two regions!

3.Spain and England Still Gone:

4.Poland Gets Beaten Back

The Swedes are pushing the Poles back one region at a time.


Still small...but Serbia seems to be gearing up for some fighting in the net few days.

I think that's about all for today: Make sure you read, vote, sub, shout, and listen to eNPR tonight!

Thanks for Reading!
233 Subs! Let's go for 500!

Recommended Readings:
-Revolutionary Times
-Kooguy's Fire
-Eagle Republic News
-High Times
-The Halfling Times
-The Frontline News
-The Pony Express Daily

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