Happy Sunday

Day 1,510, 11:02 Published in USA USA by Levif92

Happy Sunday everyone! I'm going to add a comic of the day section to this one and I'll keep it if it's well received. Enjoy!

Fun Fact of the Day:
The lion used in the original MGM movie logo killed its trainer and two assistants the day after the logo was filmed.

Quote of the Day:
1."A man with a watch knows what time it is. A man with two watches is never sure."
-Segal's Law

2."I woke up and my bed was on fire!"
-Jimmy from It's kind of a funny story (film)

Comic of the Day:

What's Going On:

1.Update on France/Spain

The US continues to hold its regions in both France and Spain with RWs continuing on in Aquitaine and Aragon. The RW in Aragon currently underway is a close one. By the end of the day, it may be possible to see Spain capture Aragon from the US.

2.United Kingdom

The UK is currently attempting to regain both Scotland and the SE of England regions. It appears that the UK will be successful in Scotland but not in the SE of England region.


Poland is attempting to expand eastward with a campaign currently underway in Hrodzienskaya.


Mexico continues to try and gain some of its regions back from Croatia now that it has successfully pulled off a 'Jesus' rebirth in the Baja region.

5.Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs for Serbia's Regions in RL Italy

With advances coming from all sides, a large portion of Serbia has become cornered in the southern portion of the Italian peninsula. Losing ground to Croatia and Italy, it appears that within the next few days that Serbia will no longer have control of any regions in Italy.

6.North Korea

With the death of Kim Il Jong still fresh in the minds of many N.Koreans, China has seized the opportunity to invade. Having already successfully gained several regions over the past few days, China continues to battle on for more regions in N.Korea.

Recommended Reading:

-Revolutionary Times
-Kooguy's Fire
-Eagle Republic News
-High Times