Happy Nowruz ! ( Sorena)

Day 1,946, 12:14 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by The Awesome Sorena

Hi everybody !

Tomorrow (12:05 europe.time) is Iranian new year and It's called Nowruz (Nowruz is also widely referred to as the "Persian New Year". ). In this particular day ,we celebrate starting of Spring and our people have been doing it for more than 2000 years !

I also invite you to read below that i copied from Wikipedia about Nowruz !

The first day on the Iranian calendar falls on the March equinox, the first day of spring, around 21 March. At the time of the equinox, the sun is observed to be directly over the equator, and the north and south poles of the Earth lie along the solar terminator; sunlight is evenly divided between the north and south hemispheres.

In c. the 11th century CE major reforms of Iranian calendars took place and whose principal purpose was to fix the beginning of the calendar year, i.e. Nowrūz, at the vernal equinox. Accordingly, the definition of Nowruz given by the Iranian scientist Ṭūsī was the following: "the first day of the official new year [Nowruz] was always the day on which the sun entered Aries before noon"

Those things being said , Ill give a q7 weap to those who comment in this article . (I don't need subs ,share this so everybody can read it )

I hope all you a good year full of happiness with your family and friends !

Have a good one everybody ! 🙂