Happy Monday (02/06/12)

Day 1,539, 10:08 Published in USA USA by Levif92

Happy Monday all! Great to see so many new subscribers in the past few days!
Almost a 1/4 of the way to MM! Also: Look forward to me being on NPR tomorrow night! (It may become a regular thing too 😃)

Fun Fact of the Day:
The average cost of a Super Bowl party is over $100...And if you have drinkers at your party, you can just about double that price tag.

Quote of the Day:
"I wish people who have trouble communicating would just shut up."
Tom Lehrer (1928 - )

Comic of the Day:

Optical Illusion of the Day:

Move your head back and forth towards the screen.

Contest Time:

I would like a new banner for my newspaper. PM me a link to a banner that you have created for my paper. The best banner (chosen by me of course) will be picked and announced in this Friday's (02/10/12) paper and will win 2.00 gold!
Not just 1...but 2 whole gold bars!

What's Going On:


Elected into his third consecutive term as POTUS, Oblige has eAmericans optimistic for what may lay ahead in the next 30 days.

2.FDA Bans Taco Bell

With the FDA placing a complete ban on all Taco Bellian food items and paraphernalia, the American and Croatian Boards of Health went to work yesterday to condemn and shut down all Taco Bells. They currently have only three regions left to cleanse.


Spain and Britain are GONE AGAIN! It's really starting to piss this guy off:


Not much different going on here...the Swedes are trying to take one of Polan's regions.

5.The Serbian Diet

Billy Mays here with the Serbkins Diet Plan! Feeling overweight? Do you lack the confidence you once had in the office because of your size? Try the Serbkins Diet Plan today! Watch as the fat just disappears! "KABLAM!" Guaranteed to help you slim down and tone up, or your money back! BUT WAIT, THAT'S NOT ALL! We'll send you 2 WEEKS, ABSOLUTELY FREE OF CHARGE! PLUS WE'LL COVER THE SHIPPING AND HANDLING! CALL NOW!




...I think that's all for today.
Enjoy and remember to Read, Vote, Sub, Shout!

230 subs!

Recommended Readings:
-Revolutionary Times
-Kooguy's Fire
-Eagle Republic News
-High Times
-The Halfling Times
-The Frontline News
-The Pony Express Daily

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