Happy Father's Day from the eUK - Day 2,770

Day 2,770, 10:40 Published in United Kingdom Canada by Vexing Chaos

Oh hai! Greetings and Happy Father's Day to all teh eDaddies and RL daddies out there. As some of you may know I jumped across the ePond to a long standing enemy. Some of the biggest back stabbing bastards have called London and the surrounding counties home. As of late it's a bit more friendly so here I am.

Thankfully most of the twats are gone. Along with my eWifey HarliQuinn, I am here to help save the Queen from the likes of Ajay Doofo. Better known as Pizza the Gut and General Fartman Pee. I henceforth make it my personal vendetta to rid the shores of his ilk.

The game may be dying out but I won't allow him to suck the remaining fun out of it without a fight. I've already joined the UKRF party even though politics aren't much fun for me anymore. I've alerted the PP Appleby that I intend to run for Congress this coming term even though I'm new. There's two reasons for this.

1. A place held by me is a place not held by an Aflay Goon.

2. Any help I can be for the greater good I'll do so while sacrificing myself.


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