Happy day 2592 aka Xmas

Day 2,591, 23:59 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Hope your stocksings will be full . To young orcs like an slaugh etc etc this is the year you find a good woman /man and ruin her/his life forever by marrying her/him.

After all orc numbers is dwindling and as you put your hands in the state treasury bag you find often a familiar orc hand. This not good orcies. You must find unfamiliar orcish hand.

Also to all orchids happy Xmas and may bundle of joy and late nite pooping befell u.

To all other tortured children

"If you don’t start making more sense we’re gonna have to put you in a home.” – Homer Simpson
“You already put me in a home!” – Abe “Grampa” Simpson
“Then we’ll put you in the crooked home we saw on 60 Minutes.” – Homer Simpson
“I’ll be good.” – Abe “Grampa” Simpson

And finally to the head leprechaun nogin s merry xmas