Happy Birthday National Alliance Party

Day 700, 16:30 Published in Japan Japan by Akki

Indeed, the day has finally come for the National Alliance Party to celebrate our very own one year anniversary of our founding. On this very same day on October 20, 2008, a group of active and progress seeking politicians and active citizens gathered under the Old United Lolies of Japan (not the current one) to create an entire new party designed for the guidance of the future betterment of Japan. It is very happy day for National Alliance Party.

365 days ago in this same day, I stood with many other leaders gathered to reform the old ULJ to National Alliance Party. The great leader theagent007 lead the first month of our existence, and helped fabricate the ground work for the party itself. I myself personally served as the party secretary, and fabricated the very same manifesto that has guided the party to the current stance within Japan. There were many diverse ideas that were merged together within the pot to create the core principles that National Alliance Party runs on. A diverse mind came together to form diverse ideas, which continues to guide diver people.

It is very easy for a party to come into being. It is very easy for any party to suddenly gain power and enters into the political stream of Japanese government. It is also easy for any party to decay and die out. However, National Alliance Party, since our founding has became, and continues even to now days as a party unable to be removed from voice. Since our founding, we have always maintained our stance within the top 5 party list; and never once had we fell from the list. Of the eight month of the long 12 month till today, we maintained our spot within number 1 ranked party within eJapan.

Members of National Alliance Party, from new to old, we have had a wonderful year with each other, and I hope to continue for our bonds, and our voice to remain as a core fundamental system within Japan. We are neither extreme, nor rowdy, nor offers free services exclusive to our members, nor plot as a party in the dark to shape policies, nor hold any hidden IRC channel, nor have secret forum. However, we were always joined together by the principal, and idea to create a Japan that is suitable by the mass, and for the mass, and to restore the power of the individual citizens to limit the powers of the government. While neither material goods, nor does the Reiji Principles hold us together, we have always been bound under common idea, and for the mutual benefit of making this country better for its citizens.

It is my great pleasure to see a first year anniversary of National Alliance party. It has taken us great endurance, and patience, as well as the core founding values to guide us to the present. Being a party both filled with history,, and experienced from the past, holds us great responsibility to continue to tie our past values, morals, and to help learn and educate from the past events for the future of our country. The future is always uncertain, however, it is our advantage that we have the past to help us undertake continual voyage into the future as the fates continues to unroll their secrets to us.

Happy birthday National Alliance Party and thank you for all your support.

Akki, National Alliance Party President