Happy Birthday...I mean Sunday (02/05/12)

Day 1,538, 11:31 Published in USA USA by Levif92

Happy Sunday! Happy Birthday to Jude!

We did it folks! Woo-hoo! Over 200 subs!
I therefore propose a global partay!

Initiate worldwide partying:

Look! Even the N. Koreans are about to get in on this shit!

Everyone knows it's not a party without the N. Koreans! Woo!

...Now...when everyone recovers from the wild party that we just threw...read my paper.

Fun Fact of the Day:
It costs about 3 cents to make a $1 bill in the United States

Quote of the Day:
"'Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt."
Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865), (attributed)

Comic of the Day:

Optical Illusion of the Day:

What's Going On:

1.CP Elections

I cast my vote, did you?

He di😛

2.It's Cake Day Bitches!

Is everyone ready? 1...2...3...





eRep's favorite hippie is celebrating his cake day today! Make sure you get the fella some nice gifts before day's end!

All jokes aside:
Thanks for everything Jude. Happy Birthday! Hope it's the best one you've ever had...until next year

3.America says "No!"

America says it: "No, Taco Bell...we don't want to think outside the bun, we're perfectly fine right here, inside our nice and soft buns. No, we don't want to try your $5 Cheesy Gordita Crunch Box or your Beefy Crunch Burrito. We want none of it...go back to where you came from!"

We said it...

4.Spain is Back?

Spain's back int he Balaeric islands. There are rumors circulating that the Spanish rebel zombies will attempt to get their magazine back off of the ground again. Zombie House

5.England's Back Too

England's trying to gains some ground, just to have it taken away and be wiped, to come back from the dead, to gain some ground, to have it taken away again and be wiped, to...

Repeat as often as needed

6.Serbia Shrinking Still

Serbia says: "I WAS IN THE POOL!"

(If you have no clue what that's from...go watch Seinfeld..every season)

7.Sweden Fights Back

Similar to the American rejection of Taco Bell...Sweden is saying no to the Polish sausage that has penetrated into their anu...I mean homeland these past few days.

That's all for today folks! RESUME PARTYING!

My next goal/milestone for this paper: 500 subs! (213 as of now)

Let's make it happen captain!

Recommended Readings:
-Revolutionary Times
-Kooguy's Fire
-Eagle Republic News
-High Times
-The Halfling Times
-The Frontline News
-The Pony Express Daily

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