HankScorpio You Have Broken My Heart One Too Many Times

Day 932, 18:54 Published in USA USA by Chocolate McSkittles

You know Hank, I thought we could be friends. I really did. I was even ready to give you some sort of model kongress medal for being awesome.

Then you had to break my heart.

So yeah, that was a pretty amusing prank you played today. As far as I'm concerned, you're still pretty awesome for pulling it off, it was hilarious and pretty exciting. I still think we got the better side of the deal though, as I have no intentions of letting Americas MPPs against you die. Ever.

Russia: Is it can be hugs tiem now pls?

Huge props to MaxMcFarland2 for having the Balls to front 100% of money in the gamble to see if Hank was serious. Sure he lost out, but the risk:reward ratio was totally worth it, and we coulda had a lot of fun these next couple of weeks. Huge props Max 😁

Needless to say, Americans should stop donating money to him, as the whole thing was a Con. Also, Russia, you can expect a big hug from us sometime in the future...

In other news:

Even their physical geography describes the love I have for them 😁

-We still love Broatia and Japan. They're pretty cool guys. We're a little bit more skeptical of the Netherlands though...

-Blazix feels like handing some free stuff out. He'll be in #whitehouse, the old whitehouse channel, handing out free Q1 guns, as well as other goodies, to anyone that joins the channel in the next couple hours. Feel free to stop by. Also, the supersecretpassword is wakkawakka.

Click on the picture to learn how to buy US treasury bonds to make America even more awesome!

-As if I'm not using Blazix for enough grunt work, he's is also busy starting up a new program in which everyone will have the ability to quickly friend request new players. Friend requests = shoutboxes = community = retention! Look forward for more details soon!

- Research is being done by my SoT Batterytime to find out which countries are our largest trading partners. This will be great to have hard numbers on, as it will allow us to target our economic policy towards certain nations...as well as let me use that "embargo" button on nations that should not be selling goods stateside...

- Embargo says Ohgrabme backwards. An ex of mine found that very interesting and I felt it necessary to share that with you.

- New Welcoming Message will happen eventually. It may have won the battle, but I will win the war!

Thats all for now, until I remember something else and edit it in. Make sure to come visit me in #chocsoffice if you want to hang out 😁