Hale's Workshop

Day 1,694, 17:14 Published in USA USA by Hale26

Good evening ladies and gents, today's headlines are...

France Makes Gains in Britain
Russia takes Swedish Capital
Germany Regains 2 regions
Woe to Albania- F.Y.R.O.M-Serbian Forces Occupy Nation
Finland Fights Captures 80% of Estonia, Prepares to invades Latvia
Editorial- Pomerania and Berlin- What could and couldn't happen

France Makes Gains in Britain
France has, as of late, made astounding gains in England. Admitedly, many expected this war to end in a series of Ping Pong battles ending in France's defeat.

Yet despite France's homeland being mostly occupied by Poland, and international support for the French waning (Due to their immature government), French troops have somehow taken over 50% of Great Britain.

In other news, Canukistanian forces failed to capture the English territory of Wales a few days ago. Despite the French onslaught, England managed to launch a succesful attack on the Canuk's homeland, taking Newfoundland and Labrador.
Though Canukistan will probably beat the British soon enough, their hopes of invading England have been dashed due to the French capturing all of England's border regions. Sorry Guys.

Russia takes Swedish Capital

Russian soldiers have succesfully taken the Swedish Capital, after laying siege to it for a few days. Though this conflict was originally very heated and intense, Swedish opposition virtually died out following the siege of their capital a few days ago.
Now Russian forces are poised to take the final territory of the Swedish homeland, Scania.

Germany Regains 2 Regions

Germany has regained 2 of their regions in recent days, with the German government operating out of their headquarters in Denmark. Germany now has a direct link to Poland's Achiles Heel- Saxony.
This region connects Poland to all of it's bonuses in France and Germany.
Though the German-Polish Front is currently closed, this adds an interesting new dynamic to the war there.

Woe to Albania- F.Y.R.O.M-Serbian Forces Occupy Nation

Macedonian soldiers have taken over 2 Albanian territories, following 2 successful anti-serbian rebellions. Though Albania was wiped for a while, rebel forces quickly regained a territory from Serbia.
Despite Albania's weak army, Albanian forces have put up tremendous resistance towards Serbian occupation. Expect more news soon.

Finland Captures 80% of Estonia, Prepares to invades Latvia

Finland has captured most of Estonia, their long-time enemy. Like most war news I report, I must add that it is "surprising" due to the ping-pong war these 2 nations had been enjoying for the last...er..half a year.
Finnish soldiers are now launching a so-far succesful attack on the last Latvian-owned-Estonian region. If this region falls we can expect an up-coming invasion of the Latvian homeland.
In other news, Finland almost impeached their CP illegally awhile ago. Why ?
Don't really know, but I happened to find it while reading the Finnish media today. Oh, and something about a Chess tournament too...yes, yes...

I'll be posting my work here..

IRC trivia.
1 question right will earn you 20cc/40cc/60cc.
There will be 20 questions.
Deadline for each question is 10 seconds.
Winner of last question can call dibs on answering first. This grants him an additional 5 seconds and a guarantee that he will answer first, but he can lose whatever is up for grabs.

Cost= 780cc weekly.

Winner of debate gets jnvijnr
WTP Market place- Hooks up buyers and sellers of products.

ms= Mission Statement

Mission Statement- The goal of the lotto is to bring some fun into our player's e-lives. The lotto offers an easy was to get connected into the WTP "network" for newer members, and gives a sense of community with the posts about it. Also, this is a good way for people to earn money (Though the feeling of community is really what we are going for.

TIME LINE- Will run every other week for 7 days. However, "cool down" period can be changed to 5 days if the Comms Director sees fit. (Hell, he could have one every week. But I personally recommend against that to all future Comms Directors)


1.Publicity and Opening
1.1-Lotto will be opened the day of that week's party newsletter.
1.2-Lotto will be shouted by Shout Hawks and be in the Party's IRC channel.

2.Costs and Prizes
2.1-Each ticket will cost 1cc, and a maximum of 120 tickets can be bought. This allows the lotto to be based on pure chance, not how much money you have in-game.
2.2- 1st place gets 2 gold, 2nd gets 1 gold, and 3rd gets 10 Q7 tanks.
2.3- Lotto will be covered by the treasury. All money made off of lotto MUST be returned to the treasury. I recommend that the treasurer either receive lotto funds, or be comms director.

MS- Forum Points is being made to

We will assign Hawks to watch the Forums for 1 day each. Every day they report on the posts for that day, and update the scores of whoever.

Shout Hawks-

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