hai people

Day 1,547, 15:53 Published in Germany USA by Ivaylo88

Sorry for the big delay in my articles , i really wanted to write something but i had fallen sick twice , so i on some moments barely made it to the computer what about the game itself , anyway i hope you had some great time if not here then with your girlfriend , if not with her then with whatever you love 😃

It goes without saying that nothing actually changed much more than we wished for , i won't jump in the sky from the win of the commies here couple of weeks ago , in fact i am still very disapointed that such criminal party is still supported in a game , and i won't ever change my opinion about it .Cause like in RL we are tought only half about the real evil while the other is kept in silence , anyone who disagree is "racist , nazi and etc.", so i am supporter of acting in way that if you ban something you ban it's similarities too , otherwise it's like to ban the alcohol and to leave the cigarettes.
Most of you asked if i won't sabotage or begin to make campaign against the president ( or should i call general secretary of USSR , GDR ? 😃 ) , no i won't my duty as ambassador oblidge me to work and i will do it , just like prussian soldier always do his duty and whatever he has sworn to do . Anyway i won't keep my position hidden from you , and it is my personal position and campaign against this shame called communism which tormented half of Europe , R***d , killed and so on , put in gulags and which me and many people whom families were hurt from it won't ever stop to fight against it , no matter what is modern and how much some say it's so good , more good that Jesus himself .

Anyway enough about that on myself i wish Stryk our candidate luck in the upcoming fight , i have every belief you can do it ! Anyone who share the same views as me please support him 🙂
Well i won't keep ya more , try to enjoy some non-communistic , non Justin beiber ( a,k,a "New stars" music )

When music was just music

And remember always is better to be dead rather than red 😉
Enjoy the democracy and it freedom responsibly fight against tyrany and don't mourn it's bad cause it is what we make it to be 😉