Guy Baumber running for his 6th time in tasmania

Day 696, 04:16 Published in Australia Australia by Cortes118

Dear Readers

Vote Guy the ANP Senator for TAS Vote for a free economy
vote Guy Baumber for his 6th term in the Australian congress on the 25th.


I believe we should continue providing every ACUK soldier and DB soldier with q1 weapons for the war games. Why well it is very cheap and it helps the overall performance of our military. So when an invasion does come or we have to help our allies in a war we will have soldiers that will be able to fend them off and our tanks will be able to do more damage.


Now I used to think that having a q5 hospital in every region would be good. But now that I have thought about it for a while I have came to realize that it is not the best option for Australia. Well think about it for a second it will damage our MT companies and it is a waste of money.


Now I want to make this very clear I DO NOT support the tax raise. I thought it was very unnecessary. Now I will make a promise to the Australian public if there is an amendment that decreases the taxes back to 10% I will vote YES. SO if you want a congressman that supports low taxes vote Guy Baumber for Tasmania.


I have had a lot of political Experience firstly I have been a senator 5 times in the ANP and I am looking for my 6th term. Also I have enrolled in senate school. I have been a deputy speaker for 2 terms now so I know how things run. I have also been an ANP supreme court member and Sir constant has made me VP.

Also I have not had the time to spell check for errors

By Guy Baumber
Deputy Speaker of the Senate
ANP Senator 5 times in a row
ACU soldier
Deputy Speaker of the Senate 2 terms
Apprentice MOFA
ANP supreme court member 1term
VP of the ANP
Awesome Journalist.🙂