Guy Baumber is running for his sixth term

Day 729, 21:54 Published in Australia Australia by Cortes118

Dear Readers

Yes you have read right I am running for my 6th term in the senate and I am going to write my platform.


5 terms as an ANP senator
ran for PP of the ANP
current Party advisor
ACU soldier
Deputy Speaker of the Senate 2 terms
Apprentice MOFA 1 term
ANP supreme court member 1term
VP of the ANP 1 term
Apprentice MoD 1 term

Now with these experiences I believe I will do a very good job.

I do not support a hospital in SA.

well why would you support a Q5 hospital in SA when we already have 4 q5 hospitals. I think we should just sell the hospital in Centrelink it is doing no good there. Also it kills our moving ticket industry.

I support a NAP with Indonesia

Why because I believe that we should keep our friendship with Indonesia they are way stronger than us we broke a deal with them. So really we should at least pay them back and tell them we are sorry.

NO Lulz in the senate

It is a waste of time and is immature any1 who proposes a lulz proposal should be immediatly impeached on a vote.

sorry but I have rushed so I didn't make a wall of text I just made it simple. 😃