Gulliver - Part I

Day 543, 22:32 Published in Canada Canada by Pifreak

I have experienced a different world. It is a most peculiar one; I first saw it while surfing on the vast expanse of the Interwebs. I lived for a while on it, but soon I grew tired of it and left. And here I am now, telling the tale of my journey to you.

It was a somewhat large world, one of over a hundred thousand. However, as I came ashore, I noticed I was walking on dead bodies. The deceased citizens numerated almost half of the entire population. Some did not look the worse for wear, but some looked like they had been smashed by a hammer with a banner attached...I suppose a "banhammer", if you will. Then I noticed something quite interesting. I noticed across the beach that there was a "dead" citizen that suddenly stumbled to his feet, and slowly limped toward shore. I followed him.

I entered a city through a fortified wall, one which at quick glance contained about eighty thousand bricks. Inside the city, there was a large group of people, totalling approximately eight hundred people (which happened to be the amount of bricks in the wall divided by 100...I dismissed this as a coincidence). Then I noticed that the walls of the city were in a familiar shape, one that almost looked like the boundaries of the province of British Columbia in Canada.... I saw a map floating around and saw the world.

I saw a world map. The shape of all the continents were all the same, although there was something...different about it. Why was Russia in the colours of Romania? Why were some parts, such as almost all of Africa, grey and uncoloured? Why did I count only forty, fifty-something countries? A plethora of questions formed in my mind.

At this point, I suddenly realized that I had a wallet in my back right pocket and a PDA in my back left pocket. I took out the wallet first, and saw that there was a $5 bill inside. Next, I took out the PDA, and it notified me of a new message from someone named "admin", welcoming me to this new world...whatever it was.

I walked over to the job market, as "admin" told me to do (or whatever you call a place you can get hired and work for some company). Since I had just arrived, I was unexperienced in any of the trades. On the wall, I noticed a bulletin saying that the minimum wage was $1.50 CAN. Strange...I thought that it was $8...but this didn't seem like the real world anyway.

I got a job at a wood company--I don't remember the name of it now. I worked on that day, and interestingly got salary right away. Also, I didn't recall anything about the actual task of working--all I did was make wooden logs, but I was only aware of a second or two of actually doing it. At least I was assured of the fact that there was a government here, as the amount of money I was paid was somewhat less than the amount I was promised. Don't you love taxes too?

Next, guided by another message on my PDA, I went over to the gym (again, it only took a couple seconds to reach it) and worked out. I noticed posters talking about fighting in wars and such...and this is when I realized that I was addressed as "Private". Hmm, I thought to myself, when did I ever join the army?

And then there was another message from the PDA. It told me to go over to the marketplace and buy food. So I did exactly that. I went to the cheapest place, and bought some McDonald's-style food--i.e. disgusting. At least it filled me up. Of course, there was some pretty high-end dining around, but it charged something like ten dollars. Ten dollars...! I took out my wallet and paid for my food--at least I had made a net profit on the day.

It was dark now, so I went off to bed. Wait. What bed? I looked around and saw a huge shelter, with capacity for hundreds of people, so I went there. Again, it was a walk of two seconds; I began to wonder how everything could be so packed together to the point where I barely needed to walk anywhere. The accommodation was nice, but nothing over the top.

And thus the first day in my life living in this--this "world" came to a close. I mulled over the interesting discoveries I had made here, and began to think of what I would learn tomorrow. But that was tomorrow--I had no need to worry about it now.

After all, tomorrow is another day.

(Note: the link is included just in case you didn't get the reference. And if you didn't get it at first, you are in desperate need of a good movie to watch.)