Guess what?

Day 2,386, 10:10 Published in Ireland Cuba by Harrilal

As indicated in the previous article, I left for a short month to get married in the not-eRepublik world. In doing so, I missed the rush for eCuban citizenship and was only able to enter the raffle. As luck would have it, my name was not selected. When that wave was over, I applied normally. My application expired and was automatically denied. So, I have a short cooldown before I can apply again.

This means that you poor fools are stuck with me for a little while longer. It also means that I had to catch up because there were a few little things that I missed. Thanks much to Paddy OBrien for giving me his point of view on both the Daniel.Plainview (L I G H T S) incident and the Irish - South Korean bungle. If there is anything else significant that I missed and ought to know, please let me know in the comments below (or if you're shy, a private message).

Since I have little else to say, I will end it here and jump to the next segment.

What ever happened to Mary? Ask Harrilal!
How it works: I normally take the first five (5) questions asked in the previous article's comment section and answer them however I see fit. If I don't get to 5, I will sometimes go back an article or two to find the earliest unanswered questions. I call this scraping the barrel.

This round, as I do from time to time, I'm taking all unanswered questions and answering them. These questions only go back two articles, because I had previously scraped the barrel so hard for questions, I got splinters!

John Gormley asks, "Why always me?"
Oh, John. John, John, John... It's because when you brush your teeth in the morning (when you manage to remember to do it), you hum "Amhrán na bhFiann" then "God Save the Queen" and "Il Canto Degli Italiani". It is this conflicted nature that paints a giant target on your ever-bald head.

An Sluaugh asks, "Out to lunch. Just married? Ahhhh I get you 😉"
Indeed. To quote the Mighty Sparrow:
It's sweeter than meat
When you want to eat
All saltfish sweet"

CheetahCurtis asks, "What is the meaning of life?"
Dougie Adams, through the Deep Thought supercomputer decreed that the numeric solution is 42. In Monty Python, one of them decrees, "Well, it's nothing very special. Try to be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try to live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."

Of course, the answer will vary from person to person. My own answer? Difficult to say. One day I wonder if there is a meaning. Sometimes, it feels like we were put here to suffer. Other days, when listening to my music, liming under a tree, I think that perhaps attaining that peacful, happy feeling is what we're here for.

Just live your live the way you want. Perhaps you'll find meaning. Perhaps you'll go to the grave still pondering.

Klynn asks, "Ever thought about forbidding RtK to ask you more than, let's say, 3 questions so others could have a chance?"
RtK, Viktor Kurgan and John Gormley are often times the only one who ask anything. Their support is what keeps me going. Sometimes to make it appear as though I even got 5 questions, I have to split their multi-part questions up.

I suppose I may have to retool the rules if I ever get a larger readership, but until then I will continue to encourage them to ask whatever and how many ever questions they choose.

John Gormley asks, "Where are me feckin' glasses?"
Where you left them! Probably on the bedside or in the last ditch you gently rested in after a night of merriment and imbibing of spirits.

Raven Anarcho asks, "what's that smell?"
I'm not sure. It's been a while since that article though, so I hope you found out and got it cleared up! Or, if you liked the smell, I hope you found a way to perpetuate it.

ChewChewShoe asks, "Are you always so dull you divvy?"
Yes! Yes, I am! In fact, it's one of the first things I told my now-wife when we first met. I told her that I'm boring and lazy. Years later, I have not changed. I am still boring and lazy. Thank you for noticing my best qualities! I love you too. 🙂

And that’s all of them!
Remember folks! The first five (5) questions asked in the comments of this article, will be answered in my next article!
Thanks for reading!

Classifieds and Personals
The classifieds and personals are not an indication of Harrilal’s personal, political, religious or social affiliation.
Seeking lovely, amorous lass with cask of fine single malt for serious romantic relationship. Please send images of cask to Paddy OBrien.
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The classifieds and personals are not an indication of Harrilal’s personal, political, religious or social affiliation.

Important eIrish links
eIrish National Forum - currently quite sleepy.
Department of Defence - Military enlistment, orders and announcements.
Irish Foreign Affairs - Announcements on foreign policy and country reports from ambassadors.
Ministry of Community - National awards, lotteries and other fun stuff.
University of Ireland - History lessons, newbie guides, and other education oriented programmes.
Irish IRC #Eire

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