Guerrilla Fights tips and tricks

Day 2,311, 04:02 Published in India India by Calvinhobbes

i will write what i know and will edit it with whatever comments u guys give. will republish this till i have a good article

1. Guerrilla Fights happen only after you make 5 kills in a battle

2. Guerrilla Fights dont work after any side has achieved 1400 points in a battle.

3. Damage received is higher as compare to normal fights, with lesser food used hence lesser xp received. So you rank up faster but dont level up slower.

4. if u win u get GF equipments as awards

5. Use a weapon which is appropriate for the distance between both fighters.

- Check the stats of your equipment. Stuff such as armour and boots and helmet do add defence but have a penalty in terms of accuracy and agility. What that means is you are less likely to hit the opponent if you have low accuracy and you are likely to move less distance as compared to the opponent if your agility is lower.

- Certain weapons have a very low percentage of getting a hit and to top it they do not do much damage! I ALWAYS avoid the shotgun cos you have to reload it, has bad accuracy and poor damage.

- Make note of the "clips" of a weapon. Certain weapons such as the Assault rifle with 5 shots per clip are excellent and do not need to be reloaded until the clip is over. However suppose you used a rifle for a battle and used 1 clip and 2 bullets in the 2nd clip, then the next battle will begin with this weapon that only has 3 more bullets left! Many times we tend to forget this when filling up the inventory...make sure you drop such useless weapons and finish them when you can, else such a mistake could end up being costly during crunch time!

Spending 0.08 gold on a sniper rifle and good quality grenades is easily worth it when you look at the amount you would spend on weapons and food in a battle. Go ahead and do it for crucial fights that you are looking to win. No other weapon gives as much CRITICAL damage as the rifle does (21.5 in one shot!) Remember though the rifle can only be reloaded thrice (total 3 shots)

- The 0.08 gold grenade is also excellent and is really vital to have for close rounds. Imagine you are in a close battle - both of you have 50~ health going into the final rounds. Round 18 - both fire rifle, both miss. Round 19 is when the reloading will happen. IF you have kept track of your opponent's weapons and know he cannot load his rifle, it would make more sense to dodge and thus damage him by 10 using the grenade while he cannot do anything. In the final round, you can again try and dodge if the weapon he has is not in the right range . You stand a better chance of winning.

Make a note of the differences in the items. The power spin gives some cool inventory stuff. The helmet and armour may look similar but has greater accuracy and agility.

- I personally prefer more accuracy as compared to armour, and avoid wearing certain defensive items to be able to get more CRITS ... especially when my inventory is full of sniper rifles! 🙂

- Make the assault riflle or the sniper rifle your primary weapon. Make sure your secondary weapons are a mix of various ranges to account for the times when the opponent moves away or closer to you. You don't want to end up chasing him and end the round without ever catching him!

- Remember the max limit you or your opponent can run to backwards is 900m The min limit forwards is 80m. Sniper rifle is most efficient at long ranges and crossbow is most efficient at close quarters.

- Anticipate your opponent's moves based upon the weapon he is using. Goes without saying he will come closer to you if he is using a shotgun or crossbow! so plan accordingly and sell him a dummy 😃 Victory is basically about fooling your opponent and making him second guess.

- Always keep count of shots fired by the opponent and weapon used so that you know if and when you need to reload/hold fire/dodge.

Go in with 100 health. If you win, it will be back to 100. If you lose... well , wait for it to refill! 🙂 but winning will give you that extra bit for free! 🙂

- Make sure top always go in when damage booster is on. Damage gets multiplied ... especially when winning! Great to get BH for cheap 🙂

- You will meet the same opponent in the future. So try and make notes of opponents' playing styles... and LEARN!

- You WILL LOSE the first few fights. Its all part of the learning process. Do not get disheartened. I lost 24 fights before I won my first 🙂 BUT... I still got loads of damage done without expense! why? cos you earn damage even when you lose!!!

- Remember its partly luck but mainly thinking and improvising and nerves. Say you are 65 health against an opponent @ 60 health. You do have shots in assault rifle, so does your opponent. 2 rounds remain. Both of you will be in range... what do you do? Possible scenarios - move back out of range and avoid fights and hold your nerve...take a chance one round by dodging. let opponent come closer to you and next round go real close to him. This will throw off his aim and without firing a shot in the last 2 rounds, you will end up winning the fight cos you had greater health. All I meant by the above illustration was that there are many many things that are unusual and unexpected and you stand a better chance of winning.

- Do not quit out of a battle you are losing. Not only is that being a chicken... it also means you are not learning from your mistakes. Fight till the end and give it all! In a losing fight you can experiment more. In the end you KNOW you will get damage ... so why quit out like a loser? Win or lose... LEARN! and fight often.... as often as you can. Ask all Guerilla Fight champs... they will say the same. No one knew it straight up, but they learned.

Please do not complain about cheating ... or "he gets more damage than me, life is unfair!" Its because of 2 things - a) he is using equipment with less armour but better accuracy. So he chose wisely, he did not cheat. b) There is something called "luck" Many times it will go against you...equally many times it WILL fall for you. Law of averages! Fight more, get luckier! 🙂

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let me know what more to add. i will put in some pics soon.