Grumpy Rant VI - Democracy and how it'll be done

Day 1,290, 06:44 Published in South Korea USA by Ben Penta2

There is a definite need for a president that can competently and effectively avoid the situation we have been in for many months. We have been lacking in democracy and past governments have failed to address this issue. Dan/naD will make sure YOUR voices are heard and that the view of the people isn't compromised by fly-by voters. He will stop greedy people from acting against the interests of the ordinary Korean. There will be no backroom deals, if Dan/naD is elected president he will be open with the people, he will bring along an openness I feel has been lacking in this country.

He will not act on his own will during his term. He will engage in constant negotiations with our congress to make sure that everybody's voices are heard and that many good ideas can come from his term in office. I believe that his unified Ministry of Media, Health and Education will further increase activity in this nation. He will encourage people to write articles to air the views because he actually cares about the people of our nation.

Do you want a leader who puts you first?
Do you want a leader who actually listens?
Do you want a leader who welcomes difference of opinion rather than mocking it?

If you answered Yes to all of these questions then vote Dan/naD Wilshire on 5th June.

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