Grimstone interview

Day 1,027, 07:50 Published in South Africa Turkey by Turkish Aviator Hero

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Hello , Grimstone, can you explain to our readers a bit about your past, your present and maybe your future ?

I am a RL South African and I joined the game the beginning of this year. In my time I have evolved as a player and as a leader in relatively little time. I started as a congressman and grew from there.

Due to my activity, empathy, and strength in many areas I gained the support of many.

I have held various ranking positions within the eSA military and currently a member of the eSAAF High Command.
I was asked to run as party president of the Independent Alternative which was one of eSA's biggest and most successful parties.
I became party president for 2 consecutive terms. That was a major achievement for me and got to show off my leadership qualities.
I was then urged to run for the presidency of eSA, I won that election and was impeached two weeks into my term after 2 unsuccessful attempts by the PTO congress.

I am currently serving eSA as their president once more but as a resistance government voted for by the true citizens of eSouth Africa.
The elections ended in a tie between PTO Candidate Montaigne & Myself.
The PTO'ers ended up winning. I am eager to set eSouth Africa on the path to freedom.

As for what the future holds it is difficult to say right now.
Whatever it is one thing I know for certain is I will always be loyal to eSA and will fight to protect or free our country from oppression and enemies foreign and domestic.

Can you give our readers a short summary of eSouth African history?

South Africa is a country with a history of struggles with the country
being PTO'ed numerous times and also being wiped off the map a couple of times. Altough being PTO'ed or wiped off the map the South African community never gave up and have always fought back for their country.

At the moment we're in the 4th republik. The 1st republik ended with the PTO'ing of
the country in September 2008 by Croatians who did not have their own country.The 2nd republik fell after South Africans politically divided in may 2009 after a narrow win of a South African candidate by 2 votes in the congress elections of may 2009.

The PTO'ers got a majority in congress and were able to impeach the president. After the cancellation of our MPP by the Brazilian PTO president. South Africa was attacked by Brazil and Indonesia and wiped off the map. South Africa got back on the map around August 2009 and that was the start of the 3rd republik which lasted till March 2010. A well respected member of the eSouth African community named RonelI became president and betrayed her country. She retreated our regions to the Brazil and Argentina and the country was wiped off the map again. This did not last long. On 23rd March 2010, just before the congressional elections Northern Cape was recaptured.

Currently South Africa is being PTO'ed by Hungarians who have a super majority in
congress and also has the presidency. They have a agreement with the Brazilians to
loan out our high titanium region of Gauteng to Brazil. The South African government,
Military and the whole community is working hard to regain our country again as we have done many times before. You can read more about our country on our wiki page found here: [url] [/url]

How did you react (personally as well as eSouth Africa) after the channer PTO?

I reacted the same way anyone else did, I was upset.
I know that PTO’s are part of the game. I have no problem with it as it creates excitement and drive to break free from oppression. The problem is when it is done by means of cheating, I.E using multiple accounts to take over a country.

We have proven that multiple accounts were used by the PTO’ers as there were many accounts reported and banned for use of multis. This is unfair and illegal and is destroying the game and causing many people to quit erepublik.

So as a whole it’s safe to say that all loyal citizens of eSouth Africa were not happy about the PTO and the means used to achieve the PTO.

What is your relationship with EDEN , BROLLIANCE and PHX

South Africa is not an official affiliate of any alliance. However we have very good relations with EDEN and with BROLLIANCE. We have received a lot of assistance from these two big alliances and in turn have done our best to support them to the best of our ability. We’ve been, wanting to join the BRO’s as an official member for some time now. We are BRO’s in every sense of the word have not been officially accepted as BRO’s I have been in numerous discussions with BROLLIANCE leaders.

As for PHOENIX, eSA has never been pro this alliance. This of course is nothing personal. In every battle there is 2 sides. You pick a side or get left to fend for yourself. We decided to align with EDEN as we believed in their approach to the game and it’s members. Also, in the recent past, it has been members of PHOENIX who have been behind the PTOs.

Your point of view about France ?

I don’t think France is a bad country personally. We have no problems with France in general and have had good relations between our foreign embassies, we’re on opposite sides of the world and have no direct conflict with France other than we’re in opposite alliances. We will continue our relations with France and continue to develop them.

Last word ?

eSouth Africa may be a small country but we have heart and the will to succeed. We never give up and will fight until we are victorious. Our mottos: Onwards and forwards in unity! We Shall prevail! Never say die!
