Greetings From Turkiye !

Day 730, 11:41 Published in Israel United Kingdom by burakkocamis

Hello Israel !

I am burakkocamis,Minister of Foreign Affairs, from Turkiye.I won't talk so much.So,let's turn to our main subject...

As you know,Turkiye conquered all Israel in Beta period.You have lived under Turkish flag for months.Of course,it wasn't good for you.You won your freedom with resistance wars.While you were starting RWs in your lands,we had some problems in our country.Turkiye didn't fight hard against you.So,you won your freedom which is your right.

You improved your country in a couple of months.Sadeh Badeh was really friendly to us.We didn't tell you anything.Because , "Sadeh Badeh means Israel ; Israel means Sadeh Badeh for us."

A few months ago,we offered you to be ally of us and you had to sign peace treaties with PEACEGC countries to do it but you said us we'll stay neutral with our allies.US,Romania etc. were your allies and you didn't want to leave them.Because,you feel like they gave your freedom to you.It wasn't true but OK.

We didn't plan anything to attack you.We respected your freedom.By the way,CjWillWin,an American, became the president.He told me that Israel wants NAP with Turkiye.But we didn't want NAP;we wanted MPP and to be really ally.

You signed MPP with Greece in September.It was the worst thing you ever done.Because,it means that Israel is against Turkiye in eRepublik.When we attacked Aegean Islands once,Israel-Turkiye war has been started.

We openned this war but still we didn't have any plan to attack you.But your relations weren't good for us.And you choosed a president.He won the elections and attacked Mediterrinean.Israel became a threat for us.We took Haifa for a warning.

We don't have any plan to conquere all Israel.We still want good relations with Israel but you must understand our conditions to be friend with us,if you really want that.Hopefully,you'll understand it.We can do something like training wars etc. It's important for 2 countries both and it's good for 2 countries both.Nobody will be damaged.Let's start the conversations.

Now,we're waiting for your reply.
Good Luck !

Best Regards,
burakkocamis - Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkiye