Greetings from eBG(Ambadassadory stuff+Photos)

Day 3,364, 15:21 Published in USA Romania by Sirius Kampoff
Ambassador of eBulgaria here, yada yada yada. Pretty sure you don't wanna be bored, and neither do I.
Got myself an assignment to write you an article and share this quiz/survey with you people:;chromeless=1&edit_requested=true

Would appreciate if you bother to answer these Qs, preferably with honesty, but when dealing with humans that'd be the least one should expect. So yea, whatever suits ya, I'm just delivering.

What else? Well, I'm also supposed to be presenting to you a city from what passes for my country. I know, right, because you're sooooo interested in that and will totally start visiting around and becoming BFFs with the local populace.
Well Imma try to make it a worthwhile read anyway, rest is up to you. Also pulled some photos from my dA profile, so at least you get to see some not-totally-failing images of the area I'm presenting.

City on the Black Sea coast.
As normal as any other city with comparable parameters. Not always annoyingly cheerful as in this panorama here.

Welcome to City-17. Ha, take that Half-Life 2 reference. Pretty sure people who know what I'm talking about would notice the resemblance.

Best to watch the city from afar. The farther the better. Beware slavs wearing Adidas tracksuits as they often have delusions of immortality (granted by said tracksuit) and infinite aggression. If you're not a local resident who's used to this lifestyle and have sufficient level to survive this....dungeon(???), you're advised to maintain distance.

Doesn't look so bad from here, but that might just be me, associating the location as the closest to what I can call home in the observable universe. Ergo, I might be biased.

We got a port here, an oil refinery,.... random irrelevant info.

And despite looking as the title screen of a popular crime TV show featuring a Horatio protagonist shooting one-liners and walking away from the scene without anticipating any response from his co-workers...this place is nothing like Miami.

Ah yea we got the only habitable island in the country. Big deal.

You gotta reach it by boat(DUH), and yes, I put the photo in here because I somehow don't hate it. Very sunny and stuff.

The climate is temperate, slowly shifting to subtropical. Because: humanity. I also like stormy weather.

Being by the sea, we have plenty of means for recreation for rich people, aka tourists. Because if locals have more money than they need to cover their basic expenses, they're almost 100% criminals. I wouldn't trust anyone saying otherwise if I were you...

Yet another filler shot of good weather...

Burgas hosts several annual events, like the sand sculpture festival. Where, you guessed it, sand sculptures are presented. Showing you a sandcastle because it's such a cliche...

And another shot for more dimensional imagery. Also I really depreciate having that many events in town. While it indeed fills our politicians'(criminals) coffers, that also attracts people in the area. And then not only I have to deal with meeting morons from my country, but also meeting morons from other countries as well. Usually at this point someone shouts the classic "not all people are like that". Yea, right, but what are the odds of meeting a decent person on this planet? Yup...

You can notice I'm not posting urbanistic shots. Yea my best works aren't in an urban environment. But if you insist I can bother to find you plenty of urban views from the city...which you're probably not gonna like. I prefer serenity.

One good thing about the area are the not-completely-disappointing natural views.

City is also around several lakes, so we can't complain from shortage of water. Ah yea, random endangered or rare species of animals drop by, or live there. I guess that matters to someone.

A random sunrise just before shi...stuff happens. Every day.

And a final view from the outskirts of town. Yes, the shot is taken within city limits(even checked the cadastral plans to be sure). Well we got nature at least...for now...

Well that was it people, hope it was an entertaining enough article. Don't vote, don't sub, don't do anything people on the internet normally tell you to do, unless you really want that yourself. I would only ask that you fill the survey if you can, because my supervisors rely on that info.