Greetings e Latvia from e Macedonia [Noah Dalhman]

Day 1,464, 15:32 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by Noah Dalhman

Hello friends from e Latvia. I am Noah Dalhman, and I am the new e Macedonian ambassador in e Latvia. My main goal is continuing friendship between e Macedonia and e Latvia and also improving bilateral relations and respect between our fellow - nations.

e Macedonia is country that exists approximately 1 year on e Republik. We are ONE official member from day 1239 of the new world. Our average citizen level is 22. We have around 10000 active citizens.
Geographically we have only 3 original territories: Eastern Macedonia, Western Macedonia and Povardarie .
Our main colony is e Greece, and also we have conquered territories in e Saudi Arabia and e Egypt.

Politically speaking the last congress elections passed in democratic atmosphere. These are the results:

1. MRDLjS – 36 %
2. Obedineta e Makedonija – 26%
3. Macedonian Order – United party – 23%
4. Za podobra e Makedonija – 13%
5. eVMRO – DPMNE - 2%

Our current objective is to keep e Greece under our control. In this moment we are in war with them, and the last days they managed to free few regions of their country. Still it is expected that we well obtain those regions in a few days.
e Macedonia’s daily damage is around 350 millions. As some records suggest, we are one of the top 5 countries in the e World in making daily damage.
Our army is concentrated in helping our allies, as well as fighting in our battles.

The current government in e Macedonia is:

Country President: CelarentE

Prime Minister: TepopucTa

Ministry of Defense: ShadowStalkerr

Ministry of Foreign Affairs: DedaNoe, Meds Leinad & Maya_The_Bee

Ministry of Interior: StefanBT

Ministry of Economy and Finance: TepopucTa & CelarentE

Ministry of Information: Zlatko Kaskarevski
Depute minister: svetecot

Ministry of Health: Viki MKD

Ministry of Subversive Activities: WaRlOR

Depute minister: Felllix

Advisors: vasko premier, ePece, Gundala Kadut, Macedonian Worior.

Where you can find us?

On, in the English section, in the Embassy part, Embassy of e Macedonia

Feel free to contact us about any question, or if you need anything in e Macedonia. We will help you as much as we can. Also, feel free to post in this topic.

Also, you can reach e Macedonian society by going in on the channel on Mibbit webchat. After that in connect field you choose Rizon, write your nick and in field channel part you enter #emkd .