Gratitude and Loss from Occupied Bolivia

Day 2,011, 13:39 Published in Ireland Ireland by Arjay Phoenician III

I want to thank everyone who actually took me up on my invitation to come to Paraguay yesterday and fight with the Bolivian resistance. I believe the final tally was 83-60, it was a solid effort, just really lacking the D3 and D4 fighters to make a dent. Of course, it’s nearly impossible for a struggling country to win such a battle when the enemy calls in the big dogs; late last night, the United States Department of Defense gave orders to fight on behalf of Paraguay in Santa Cruz, which basically killed our efforts there and then.

I know it’s a different era, it’s well over two years (almost 800 days on the eRepublik calendar) since Grandpa Arjay died, but whatever happened to fighting with honor? I know the concept of honor was always fleeting, always hidden in small pockets here and there, always threatened by the enticement of cheap victory at any cost and superalliance buggery.

Cloaking dishonorable actions under the veil of alliances makes them even more deplorable.

The Paraguayan Ministry of Defense called their win a “Gran Victoria”. With the assistance of (translating) “Mexicans, Peruvians, Brazilians, Americans, and the assistance of CoT”, they pumped their chests out with pride. See for yourselves:

I know it’s a bit of sour grapes on my part, because, had Bolivia won the day, I’d be here thanking Irishmen, Belgians, Romanians, and others. Then again, unless someone has evidence to the contrary, no superpower just popped in with a national announcement to fight for Bolivia, did they?

Bolivia has a way to go, perhaps they didn’t yet deserve to return to the map. I will say this for them, their IRC is a lot more lively than the Irish IRC. They have old farts and young bucks trying to organize. They apparently now have some of you at least thinking about them. These things are all good things.

They need friends urgently. It’s one thing for me to ask individuals for help, but apparently you can’t win a battle in this world unless you get a LOT of help from the big boys. Paraguay can’t win a RW against a “failed state” without the help of the US and a good chunk of Latin America, just like the UK can’t beat the Irish one-on-one and must enlist Poland and their allies to do what they’re too impotent to do for themselves.

For my end, I won a Battle Hero Medal. I’d much rather have received a Resistance Hero Medal for pitching in the currency to start it.

It’s a tough loss to take, and it’s a brutal reminder that this is a world where idealism and honor often take a back seat to alliance brutality, where the ends justify the means, where the predators take it as their duty to feast on the prey with bravado and without class, and where the individual is consistently wrecked by the machine.

Bolivia will come back and eventually return to the map, just as Ireland will. It’s just disheartening to rediscover just how much pride so many people in this world seem to take in beating up weaklings and winning battles that lack honor.