Grain Tax Proposal - Read and vote YES

Day 578, 21:37 Published in Israel Israel by Leroy Bloodshed

Current Tax:

5% Employment 5% Import

Proposed Tax:

0% Employment 20% Import

Benefits from changes:

1) INCOME TAX: Land skilled workers are currently the lowest paid workers in our nation. With roughly 40 active land skilled workers, that amounts to 4 NIS our government collects in taxs a day (based off the average worker pay of 2 NIS). Ask yourself this question: "Is that money needed more in the national treasury or in the pockets of those land skill workers who are just trying to survive?"

2) IMPORT TAX: Raising import taxs by 15% to 20% means our nation will collect .2 NIS of every 1 NIS of business foreign grain companies are doing in our country (instead of .05 NIS). These foreign companies can more than afford this low tax increase. Right now the cheapest grain is selling for .36 NIS (.342 base + .018 tax) Even if the foreign companies pass this tax increase on to consumers, it will only raise prices to .41 NIS (.342 base + .068 tax)

Fellow congressmen, I ask that you vote yes, YES for land skill labor tax relief, YES for our nation to collect taxs that we are missing out on that foriegn companies can afford. Please, vote YES as its the best for our country and our citizens.

Thank you,

Leroy Bloodshed (N District Congressman)