Governmental Budget September

Day 1,394, 07:56 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Ministerie van Economische Zak

Hello all,

As new law dictates our budget is the same as all tax income in the previous month, which in August added up to a total of 184.160,- NLG
First of all we will reserve NLG for 2 MPP's, which totals 20.000 NLG, we then still have 164.160,- NLG to spend.
This money will be divided over different things by a given key:

50% will go to Ministery of Defence, including building stock.
30% towards economy subsidies as well as helping new players.
10% will go directly to DNB and will be saved to increase our national emergency fonds as well as serve as a currency destroyer (fights bot inflation).
10% is available for unexpected costs. If non, this will be donated to DNB at the end of the month. (The money left over from this pot will be used at the end of the month towards the purchase of gold via MM)

This will result in the following budgets:
MPP's: 20.000 NLG
Ministry of Defence: 82.080 NLG
Subsidies: 49.248 NLG
Direct donation to DNB: 16.416 NLG
10% unexpecte😛 16.416 NLG
Total: 184.160

If you want you can check what expenditures we make here

Kind regards,
Your ministry of Finance
Minister: Luuklag
Secretary: broersje