Government lost the plot- economy

Day 1,853, 09:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Bob Bloggs

Due to the fabulous response i got last time on the governments uselessness to control the economy i will right more on the subject.

The government is clearly concerned that i know what is really happening in the economy stance of things.

Let me spread more light on the subject:
There is more that should be done, they have no idea and are returning us to isolation in the global economy by shutting us out of the global finance market. Even so for our allies meaning that if we ever get into severe trouble, which is more than likely with BigAnt's current bold and reckless suggestions on the wars to come, they will not be able to send in aid easily as the taxes are at such a rate. The government has seen my previous warnings and aren't willing to move ground.

They are going to get the eUK into severe difficulties with this, but no one will notice until it's too late even so the government will continue to hand put hampers of food to keep things sweet.

GBDP will offer solutions to this, therefore we must vote and support them in the next election! Only them can let us escape these troubles.