Government decide to make region swaps with Taiwan (Korea Today)

Day 1,125, 14:31 Published in South Korea South Korea by Takahashi faiz

Gangwon-do Reported

South Korean president, Clopoyaur has made a decision with Taiwan about a landswap which involving one of south korea region,Jeollabuk-do and Taiwan region,Central Taiwan. This decision will made along with a peace treaty with japan

Text in below is statement from President Clopoyaur,

he South Korean and Taiwanese presidents finalised a deal involving a land swap between the 2 countries. South Korea will offer 1 high grain region (Jeollabuk-do) while ROC - Taiwan wil offer in exchange 1 high fish region (Central Taiwan). This exchange would great help both countries economies. After the change will be made a peace proposal will be set.

Taking this into consideration, you will receive battle orders trough the newspaper of South Korean Dragons only when we need to win the battles, as a landswap involves deliberately losing some battles.

However, Majority of ESK people has opposed this idea of landswap.They don't want the original land to swap in order to maintain south korea region based on their RL