
Day 760, 08:03 Published in Australia Australia by Nigel Read

Just to let people know that I am quitting eRepublik.

I no longer enjoying playing it.

The simple reality is that Australia has for some time been run by a small group of players that genuinely don't give a stuff about anyone else who wants to get involved. These players are uttely wrapped up in their own agendas, and are only interested in manipulating situations and players into achieving their personal agendas. These players have split into two camps, and are so committed to opposing each other that there seems to be no dirty trick they won't use.

I recognised this a little while back, and went on a world tour. I thought that I might find another country without these problems and set up there. But I'm Australian in real life, and I never did feel comfortable in any other country in eRepublik, so I came back.

Then I thought that if only eAustralia could get involved in something like a war, it might get those players focused on cooperating more between themselves and with other players. Alas, as events in the last day have shown, it was too much to be hoped for.

Anyway, to those people who I made friends with, I'm sorry for leaving, but it's only a game, and a game should be fun.